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The Design And Implementation Of The Production Management System Of County Power Supply Company

Posted on:2014-12-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M R HuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2268330401966914Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the development of period of our country power industry into large powergrids, large unit, high voltage, intelligent, timeliness, reliability of power supplyenterprise, power quality, high-quality service put forward higher requirements, at thesame time, electric power enterprises in the power grid construction, technicalreformation of equipment, engineering management increasingly difficult task, and inmany county power supply company, production management is backward,management process cumbersome, inefficient management, the urgent need to adoptnew technology, new methods and new methods to improve the efficiency ofmanagement.How to establish a set of clear, efficient production management mode, in order toarrange and organize the business processes, help business personnel timely, efficientbusiness process work interweave, will be directly related to the normal operation ofcounty power supply company.Using the information system to transform the traditional electric power productionprocess of the key production technology, key equipment, key process and marketingeach link, the realization of intelligent electric power products R&D, design,management, digital, network, and promote industrial structure adjustment andindustrial upgrading, to speed up the pace of adjustment and transformation oftraditional industries.This topic through the investigation and analysis of each production link, powergrid construction based electrical power grid scheduling, equipment operation andmaintenance, equipment overhaul, electric power marketing, using the.Net designplatform and implementation of a production management system, this system has theadvantages of reliable operation, convenient maintenance, strong adaptability, and has atrack. Function, can fully meet the demand of user management, can provide newequipment investment management, equipment management, transaction scheduledoutage management, report output functions, authority management function.Application of the production management system of county power supply company, can speed up the power grid operation, power grid construction, power outagemaintenance application work coordination and processing speed, can strengthen theeffective balance work plan power grid, to solve the management problems, reduce staffworkload, improve efficiency of electric network management, the scheduling of powersystem operation management more standard, improve power quality service quality,enhance corporate image, so that the power grid construction toward faster and betterdirection.The main work of this paper includes the following:①Combined with the existing domestic and international operation of power gridproduction management information system research, analysis of the construction of"the county power supply company production management system" the necessity;②System uses the B/S architecture, the server from the database server and theWEB server, the browser to realize the corresponding function is shown based on client;③Through correlation and county power supply company staff communication,the functional requirements of the acquisition system and non-functional requirements,analysis of electric power production business process, data flow diagram and datadictionary description data flow, thorough, comprehensive grasp of the systemrequirements;④Through the design of system architecture, the system is divided intopresentation layer, business layer, control layer, service layer and persistence layer fivelevels, functions and relations of various levels; then a detailed analysis of the systemrequired for function, the conceptual design model of database, design of various errorhandling, completed the system design phase;⑤Using.Net B/S design platform framework as the basis, combined with databaseand many other open-source plug-in, development, implementation, testing anddeployment of the system.
Keywords/Search Tags:power production, management system, software engineering, .Net, MVC
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