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The System Development Of The University Student Information Management

Posted on:2014-01-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J H DouFull Text:PDF
GTID:2268330401965858Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the rapid development of the information technology, its applications extendto tremendously vast domains. In the process of continuous development of theuniversity informatization, the relevance and coherence of students managementservices has become increasingly prominent. Students’ management, from collegeadmission to graduation, from courses selection to performance appraisal and so on,involves many complicated data systems and departments, and the relevant data arestrongly correlated. But in the process of colleges’ actual management, the managerialstandard of different departments is uneven, data are stored in chaos, and the standardsare inconsistent, which are not able to meet with the integrated management of students.So how to use information technology effectively in practical work, and let thesetechnologies best serve for all kinds of students’ management work, is an urgentproblem that we need to solve in the current university informatization management.Based on the student information management system, this article explores thegeneral ideas and implementation procedure of realizing an information managementsystem in the B/S structure and process. This article applies J2EE, Spring+Struts+Hibernate framework, JavaScript, AJAX and other technologies as technical solutionsof implementing systems. Through the demand analysis, establish the functions that thesystem needs to realize, and design the programs of realizing these functions. Apply thecurrent mainstream Spring、Struts、Hibernate framework to proceed development, andanalyze the implementation procedure and methods of system function.After actual operation, and each function&index test, each module in the systemis operating normally and performing well. The realized form self-defined settings insystem, the dynamic management of the system module, the dynamic control of thepermissions, and the form realized statistical analysis capabilities make studentinformation management system become a fully functional information managementsystem.The dynamic management of permissions can refine administrators’ work, and letdifferent administrators have a clear division of labor, and not interfere with each other, which improve the efficiency of system management. The function of the formstatistical analysis can provide data support for managers when they make decisions.The realization of these flexible dynamic management functions is of great significancefor constructing the modernization information management system.
Keywords/Search Tags:Information Management System, Rights management, The SSH ramework
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