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Research And Implementation Of Dongfang Electric’s User Management System

Posted on:2014-02-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X S YuanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2268330401965740Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the rapid growth of the IT (information technology) work and needs inDongfang Electric Corporation, the volumn and scale of various IT systems continue toexpand. Each system has its own independent user management system, Have brought alot of inconvenience to the system managers and users. It is one of our urgent jobs tobuild an integrated user management system, which can support the quick deploymentof new application system.Such system will allow us to support various usermanagement requirements from different information system.We have developed an integrated J2EE user management system with a smallamount of investment in a short period of time. The new system is built upon theextensive research of Dongfang Electric Corporation our existing IT system. It alsoutilizes our existing software and hardware resources, as well as our developmentexperience. In order to ensure the stability and reliability of the system we useVirtualization server technology,the user management system system is operated uponVsphere virtual server’s Linux system. There are three pieces: user managementplatform, integrated user database, and integrated user directory. Integrated userdirectory use LDAP technology store user data, as well as the Oracle10G database thatour company has purchased. The integrated user management platform uses theJBOSS application server. This will provide the IT administrators and users themanagement capabilities and system management functions of our group, differentdepartments and users. The redesigned user directory module provides a standardizeduser directory specification system. When the userdata changes through program API,the system provides real time user database synchronization user data of informationsystem of the headquarters as well as its subsidiary companies. OpenLDAP serverprovides user directory and user authentication services to support LDAP informationsystem. Unified user database through the JAVA program interface synchronization userdata to the KOA system Indanames user database, through e WEBService synchronizeuser data to the the RTX system users data file through the the JAVA program interfaceto OPENLDAP simultaneous users data.The formal deployment of the system realized the basic integration of our Group’s internal user database. It provides an integrateddata source for different applications and user directory service. System administratoras well as the administrators of various departments/enterprises can maintain the userand organization information within their own departments/enterprises. Users canmanage its own basic information and change of password within the system.This project saving the project budget by using the open source products such asOpen LDAP, JBoss servers and ensure the system’s performance and stability by usingthe products purchased in the past such as RedHat Linux,Oracle database.Thedeployment of Dongfang Electric Corporation’s integrated user management systempaves the way for services of user database and user directory of our Group’s all ITsystems. The system will help us realize integrated authentication and authorization,which ultimately lays the foundation for the integration of human resource data and userdata.
Keywords/Search Tags:User Management System, J2EE, LDAP
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