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Business College Of Shanxi University Student Management Information System Design And Implementation

Posted on:2014-03-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X J WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2268330401465557Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Institutions of higher learning with the rapid development of network technology,information technology, communications technology, provide strong technical supportfor the network of institutions of higher learning, information technology. After theinstitutions of higher learning to rely on the Internet, digitization service functions ofthe traditional model of colleges and universities to expand the necessary extension ofthe service, more diversified services, so that the majority of college students acrossspace and time constraints, to fully understand and mastery of the institutions of higherlearning courses and activities for college students, and they provide more attentiveservice.College educational management system to achieve full digitization of EducationalAdministration and teaching activities, scientific research, management and collegeaffairs information resources; college educational management is the main function ofbusiness and technology to achieve a higher education business development,information technology social education management and service changes. Computertechnology continues to evolve, the computer used in the major field, and brought greatconvenience to the students and teachers in educational administration business,university academic administrators in the past due to the lack of appropriate softwarebrought to their work a lot of inconvenience.Educational management system is an important part of the construction ofinformation technology in higher learning, is an important business systems, softwareIT resources to support the educational administration work for the entire enrollment.Educational Administration Management System includes six modules, teachermanagement, student management, class management, educational administration,statistical analysis and query. For the functional needs of the system, using theUML-way analysis of functional requirements analysis in software design anddevelopment part of the analysis and comparison of a variety of techniques, andeventually decided to adopt a more mature and extensive use of the Java programminglanguage to develop, using Struts, Spring, Hibernate three open source framework to achieve rapid agile development needs.The system has put into use in Shanxi University Bussiness College, and achievedgood results, and will be an important reference and guidance on the development of thesame type of educational management system.
Keywords/Search Tags:College, Teaching manage, Source framewo
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