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Contract Management System Of Jiangsu Fengshan Group Co.Ltd,based On WPF

Posted on:2014-04-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H YinFull Text:PDF
GTID:2268330401464710Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Contract management is refers to the enterprise to itself as the Party of contractformation to performance, change, termination, transfer, termination, review andsupervision, control and a series of behavior.Perform, change, termination, transfer,termination is content of contract management.Review, supervision, control is methodsof contract management.With the Jiangsu Fengshan group business continues to expand,contract information continues to increase, the group contract management is more andmore difficult, the majority of the work of contract management is to rely on manualwork, which is difficult maintenance, low work efficiency, increase the riskmanagement. Therefore, this thesis will focus on the contract management systemtechnology research, to reduce the difficulty of group company contract management,improve work efficiency target.In this thesis, through detailed research, in-depth understanding of enterprisecontract management personnel involved in the work, based on the actual businessrequirements, analysis of the contract management work process and work content, thedesign can replace artificial complex contract process, and performance review,statistical analysis and then presented to the contract management system decision the.Aiming at the difficulties and key points of contract management system, the overalldesign scheme of contract management system based on WPF(Windows PresentationFoundation), and the contract management system of Jiangsu Fengshan Group Co. Ltdis implemented through WPF, workflow, object relation mapping, Mysql technology,the system is developed using Visual Studio2010development tool of the MicrosoftCorp. In this thesis, through the analysis of demand and the theory of practice, designedto meet the contract management system based on WPF actual needs, the systemconsists of business logic layer and user interface. Through the business logic layerimplementation of contract management, staff management, customer management,sales management, data analysis, function component. The data model and functionmodule a good show to the user through a graphical user interface WPF, which greatlyimproves the user experience. The system developed for this thesis has been put into use in Jiangsu Feng shangroup, the actual feedback shows that, the use of the system effectively improves theefficiency of the group contract management, reduce the management burden, makingpositive contributions to the informatization construction of Jiangsu Feng mountaingroup.
Keywords/Search Tags:Contract Management System, Workflow Technology, WPF DevelopmentEnvironment
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