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RSP Management Platform Design And Implementation

Posted on:2013-09-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z L JiaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2268330392470843Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Enterprise information platform construction is conducive to enhance the corecompetitiveness of enterprises, standardize business processes, optimizeorganizational structure, reduce operating costs, expand the scope of businesscompetition, stimulate enterprise production and technological innovation, promotethe progress of R&D projects, which improve the economic efficiency of enterprises,promote the competitiveness of enterprises, and greatly accelerate the development ofenterprises. Since Chinese enterprises start information construction projects late, theoverall information level is still in the primary stage. Especially, in some enterprises,understanding, combination and application-driven between their ideas and newinformation technology are lagged behind, which slow down the enterpriseinformation building process. Currently most of the key enterprises, especiallystate-owned enterprises have established their internal networks, extranets andenterprise portal websites. Network coverage and the range of business applicationsare gradually increasing and have supported many levels of enterprises, mainlyincluding enterprises management departments and core businesses. Largestate-owned enterprises, such as financial, petrochemical, telecommunications,aerospace, electric power enterprises have large organizational structure, great numberof employees and complex business types. This requires enterprise informationconstruction to be targeted around the main business and deploy various professionalapplications that related to ERP systems, OA etc.. It is also required to establish acomplete database system, including: asset financial database systems, database ofhuman resources, and materials management database system, etc.This paper explored the information transformation of large enterprises in thedaily workflow. The transformation follows the following principles: focusing on keyparts, working step-by-step, taking integration as key matter and being supplementedby development, issue simplification, and seeking efficiency, etc.Administrative logistics service management platform is a study for informationmanagement system platform at CNPRI. This work is aim to optimize the company’sinternal management processes, and to make the process more standardized,systematic, easy to shorten the approval process, and improve work efficiency. The platform can replace the traditional management model, and can design, develop andinnovate the implementation of IT service management through the integratedmanagement of information technology. From the platform, the enterprise informationmanagement level and the level of IT services can be improved, thus the employeescould be provided timelier, safe, and reliable services, and a greater economic andsocial benefits can be achieved. Through the innovation on operation andmanagement, as well as the management philosophy, management tools, maintenancemanagement system, management model, etc., various problems experienced duringthe enterprise IT upgrade services can be solved by combing and optimizing thecompany’s internal management processes. With the rapid development of networktechnology, and through a large number of results to display, the informationconstruction of far-reaching significance and reality has been more and moreprofoundly understood. The information construction will become an indispensablepart of the enterprise’s daily work.
Keywords/Search Tags:RSP, Logistics service, Transfer flow
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