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Analysis Of Current Employment Status Of Social Spotrs Specialty Undergraduate In Jilin University

Posted on:2015-02-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y WangFull Text:PDF
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Employment of college students has been a hot topic in China, is the focus of attention of many people. Since China’s large population base and gradually increasing popularization of higher education students in recent years, the dramatic increase in the number of college graduates, a direct result of the pressure on employment of college graduates increases. In2014the number of college graduates in the country reached939million, up2.96percent of college graduates in2014than in2013, the number of college graduates in the country to9.1million. China’s current employment situation is increasingly grim, graduates must meet the needs of the community employment of personnel, after a foothold in the community in order to graduate. Social Sports Specialty employment in the social context exhibited low rate of employment, wages are relatively low and unstable, a large amount of structural unemployment characteristics. Jilin University in northeast China is a high level of research-oriented universities, the Ministry of Education is listed as "211" and "985" key development universities, exploring social sports professional employment status of Jilin University, Jilin train more social sports talent needed to improve the employment rate of Jilin Institute of Physical Education University, improve teaching quality and level of Jilin Institute of Physical Education University has important theoretical and practical significance.Object of study for the Institute of Physical Education, Jilin University, nearly five years of social sports graduates of118people, mainly the use of literature, logical analysis and questionnaire study and draw the following conclusions:(1) Jilin University community Professional sports training objectives and training programs to adapt to changing social needs, to meet training requirements for talents.2schools in place on hardware and software configurations, with a certain amount of authority and master of enterprises working in amphibious talents, making school education will not develop in isolation, and social dislocation.3venues supporting equipment to meet the high demands of the professional sports community, making their expertise to further expand.4. Affected by multiple factors affect students for their own reasons, the school reasons, social reasons, such as social sports Jilin University graduates actual employment destination and there is a certain expectation bias, in addition, it is difficult to meet the requirements of the remuneration package, low employment rate. Last minute graduates, school and social issues are summarized in three aspects of social sports professional sports college graduates exist Jilin University and solutions.
Keywords/Search Tags:Jilin University, Social Sports Specialty, Employment Status
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