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Design Of The New Curriculum Teaching Of History

Posted on:2014-09-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:E Y GuoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2267330425456113Subject:Subject teaching
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
It has been more than ten years since the New Curriculum Reform was carried out. The New Curriculum Reform proposes classroom teaching should be student-oriented and lays great emphasis on involving students’ active participation and exploration, and developing students’ ability to acquire knowledge, analyze and then solve problems. However, the traditional teaching plan, centering on teachers’ imparting knowledge and students’ memorizing, results in the teacher-oriented tendency, unitary teaching methods, rigid classroom-teaching model and so on. It hinders student’s development and does not meet the need of modernization for talents. Besides, it goes against the principle of the New Curriculum Reform and turns into the bottleneck for its further development. So it is urgently necessary to reform the traditional classroom teaching.With the wide spread of New Curriculum Reform, more and more history teachers pay their attention to the class’s teaching design. It is based on the scientific theories, studies the new curriculum standard, analyzes students’learning grounds, chooses appropriate teaching contents, provides students with effective learning path and creates beneficial learning environment for them in the existing teaching conditions, aiming to develop students’ abilities and achieve the teaching goals. This paper lays its foundation on the literature review of previous studies and typical cases’ research and attempts to illustrate the history class’s teaching design from four different aspects, with the hope of helping teachers transfer from traditional teaching plan to new teaching design of history class in the process of new curriculum reform.Chapter one focuses on the definition of teaching design and its theoretical foundation leading to a general knowledge of teaching design.Chapter two gives a detailed description of the whole process of teaching design anc respectively elaborates its four fundamental factors:teaching aims, teaching contents, teaching strategies and teaching evaluation. With a full picture of the process of teaching design, thi; chapter can help readers acquire a deep understanding of it.Chapter three, from the perspective of history discipline, discusses the characteristics o teaching design from three aspects:evidentialty, embodiment and thoughtfulness. A grasp o these characteristics will help teachers design their teaching better and conduct more efficien teaching in the classroom.Chapter four compares the new teaching design with the traditional plan from four aspects: the target subject, the teaching methods, curriculum design, and teaching reflection. The new teaching design is proved to be scientific and reasonable and is expected to take the place of traditional teaching plan.
Keywords/Search Tags:teaching design Of history class, the new curriculum, teaching plan
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