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Research Of Ancient Argumentative Essays In Senior High School Teaching

Posted on:2014-10-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2267330401975783Subject:Subject teaching
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The ancient Chinese prose has a long history and there are many excellent works which presentcolorful appearance. The ancient argumentative essay is an important part of ancient Chinese prose. Theseessays are based on arguments and reasoning, and they enrich the expression of the ancient prose. At thesame time, the ancient argumentative essay contains a rich national spirit, has a profound thinking on thehistory, society, and life, fills with deep truth behind nature and society, and shows high wisdom and art.Thus, the ancient argumentative essay goes beyond the boundaries of time and space, and becomes atreasure of Chinese culture.The ancient argumentative essay in senior high school’s Chinese textbook holds a largeproportion in high school’s Chinese teaching materials, and the ancient argumentative essay teachingundertakes the important task in high school’s Chinese teaching. But, the ancient argumentation essayteaching can’t copy the teaching methods of the ancient essay, and also can’t copy the teaching methods ofan argumentation. The author believes that the teaching methods of ancient argumentative essay shouldcombine both of them and look for the most suitable teaching method. In this thesis, the literary textreading method and the comparative reading method are creatively applied to the reading teaching insenior high school. Text reading teaching analyses the text from five aspects: words, phrases, sentences,chapters, and meanings. The comparative reading teaching analyses comparatively the text from writingstyle, author and theme, and then readers make more understanding of the text. According to the combingof high school language teaching materials, the unit teaching of ancient argumentative essay is optimizedand integrated.Based on an overview of the unit teaching concepts, features and models, the authorcombines a single text and the overall unit teaching goals about four texts in one unit, makes a one-unit teaching design of the ancient argumentative essay and hopes the design to be used as reference in teaching.In addition to the single article teaching and unit teaching of ancient argumentative essay, the author makesdetailed analysis of the cross-stylistic works which have the nature of the argumentative essay. The threecross-stylistic works in People’s Education Press’ compulsory courses are mainly interpreted from threeaspects of genre, language and style. Teachers teach students in accordance of their aptitude in teachingprocess. There are more ancient argumentative essays in elective courses, and the author puts forward theteaching proposals from reorganization, theme construction, and independent cooperation.By exploring the present ancient argumentative essays’ teaching in high school, the purpose of thisthesis is to develop high school students’ humanities, thinking ability and ability of comprehensively usingknowledge, and also enhance their argumentative writing skills. Humanities for high school studentsdiscourse from four levels of emotion, morality, belief and aesthetic.The thinking ability of high schoolstudents focus on analytical thinking ability, abstract thinking ability and innovative thinking ability. Highschool students’ ability to use knowledge is in a wide range. The author emphatically grasps the writingvalue of argumentative essays, and makes a detailed discussion from six levels.The thesis includes two parts: introduction and body. The introduction briefly states the researchorigins, profiles, ideas and methods. The body consists of four parts:Part1,We start with the understanding of ancient argumentative essay’s style, describe its generationand function, generalize its course of development and finally make a conclusion about its features. Thispart is a theoretical basis for the study of ancient argumentative essay, and the stylistics overview ofancient argumentative essay contributes to the study of text teaching.Part2, regarding ancient argumentative essays in the People’s Education Press’s high school Chinesetextbook as objects, the author combs the selected texts at first and then makes analysis. According to the requirements of the new curriculum standards and intentions of the textbooks’ writers, the author makesthe reason of elected texts clear and raises an teaching idea about the ancient argumentative essay. Theteaching of the ancient argumentative essay serves “high school language curriculum standards "as a guide,and designs its teaching implementation from low, middle, and high levels.Part3, we discuss the teaching research of the ancient argumentative essay on the basis of material’sanalysis. In this chapter, we discuss individual teaching, unit teaching, cross-stylistic work of teaching andelective courses of teaching in detail. Individual teaching mainly explores the application of text readingand comparative in the ancient argumentative essay’s teaching. The author makes the unit teaching designof ancient argumentation essay after the unit analysis. Cross-stylistic work of teaching and elective coursesof teaching both propose the realistic and feasible suggestions. There are many ancient argumentativeessays in elective courses, and I make some teaching suggestions from three angles, hoping to provideuseful reference for the teaching of the ancient argumentative essay.Part4,On the basis of appreciative reading, high school ancient argumentation essay’s teachingshould be settled in the cultivation of students ability. It helps students to improve their humanities,thinking ability and knowledge comprehensive ability, tap the writing value of the ancient argumentativeessay, and fully improve the high school students’ humanities.
Keywords/Search Tags:Ancientargumentativeessay, Highschoollanguage, Teachingmethods
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