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Investigation On The Current Situation Of Aesthetic Education In High School Classical Chinese Education

Posted on:2014-03-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M WanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2267330401481155Subject:Subject teaching
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
China has a long history of classical literature which is broad and profound. Nomatter in its forms or in its contents, it is full of the beauty of Chinese national culture.However, in the course of the education of classical Chinese in high school, not muchemphasis is put on it. Especially, the routine and patterned education will fade out thewill to pursue the beauty of classical Chinese and even weaken the function ofeducation of classical Chinese, which aims at making the students understand the flowof history and all kinds of great classical works, appreciate the elite of Chineseliterature, inherit and carry on Chinese culture. It is very important in raising Chineseaccomplishment in the students.As to this situation, the investigation is carried out using the forms of survey andinterview. Survey has the characteristics of standardization, anonymity andindirectness. The survey is based on the method of sampling which means that basedon the understanding of the object, I choose some targets that can represent toestimate the situation of the whole group. I choose the students and teachers in3highschools in Jilin City as my sample and distribute the questionnaire to different classesso that the investigation can be more reliable.This article’s investigation objects are the education of classical Chinese in highschool and the current situation of aesthetic education in the process of teaching. Itstarts with the analysis of the lack of aesthetic education in classical Chineseeducation. Further, it applies the practice of education and educational experiments,combines with related psychological and aesthetical education theories. Finally, thearticle finds out the true cause and proposes suggestions. I hope that in some extent,this investigation can reflect the current situation of aesthetic education in classicalChinese education. Additionally, I hope this article can be helpful for the students todevelop aesthetical interest in classical Chinese education. The article has three parts:1. Define the concepts of aesthetic education and classical Chinese education andillustrate the value and method of the investigation.2. Demonstrate and analyze the survey results for the current situation of theapplication of aesthetic education in classical Chinese education.3. Analyze the factors that cause the lack of aesthetic education in classical Chineseeducation and propose the suggestion to improve aesthetic education in classicalChinese education in high school.
Keywords/Search Tags:high school Chinese education, aesthetic education, classical Chineseeducation
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