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The Folk Culture Contained In Classical Poetry Of Senior Chinese And Its Teaching Strategy

Posted on:2013-06-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y YuanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2267330395466728Subject:Subject teaching
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Chinese Language Curriculum Standard of Senior Middle Schoolindicates,“Broaden understanding of the rich Chinese culture and absorb thewisdom of our national culture. Be concerned with contemporary cultural life,respect for diverse cultures, and extract nourishment from excellent culture ofhuman; build up the feelings of loving one’s motherland’s language, formactive life attitudes and correct values, and improve cultural taste andaesthetic temperament,” so the Chinese language teaching for senior middleschool takes on the important task of inheriting national culture. The seniormiddle school classical poetry teaching also contains rich folk culture.Therefore, folk culture should be emphasized and the connotation of folkculture be discovered in Chinese language teaching for senior middle school.Chinese classical poetry is the essence of Chinese culture. Each work containsrich folk culture in different regions at various times. When interpretingclassical poetry, we should discover the hidden folk culture and learn thetraditional custom when the poetry was created, thus understand the creationbackground and better understand the thought and intention of the authors. Byunderstanding the classical poetry from the point of view of folk culture,students can improve their recognition and accomplishment of excellentnational culture, inherit the excellent virtue of Chinese culture and theexcellent cultural tradition, and cultivate the noble character of loving theirmotherland and loving people.From the point of view of inheriting folk culture, this thesis is based onimproving middle school students’ language cultivated manners and culturaltaste, carrying on and promoting national spirit and national culture,discovering the connotation of the selected classical poetry in the seniormiddle school Chinese teaching material, and discussing how to penetrate and inherit folk culture in classical poetry teaching. The thesis is divided intothree parts: introduction, main body, and conclusion.“Introduction” focuseson the current situation of folk culture in senior middle school classical poetryteaching and the study purpose of the thesis. The main body is composed ofthree sections. The first section focuses on the connotation of folk culture andthe education function of folk culture in classical poetry; the second sectionfocuses on the folk culture contained in the classical poetry in the seniormiddle school Chinese teaching material on substantial, social, and spiritualaspects; the third section focuses on the teaching strategy of folk culture insenior middle school classical poetry teaching on integrated learning, thematicactivities, and inquiry learning aspects.“Conclusion” focuses on theimportance of folk culture in senior middle school classical poetry teachingand the inadequacies of the thesis in writing.
Keywords/Search Tags:folk culture, senior middle school Chinese, classical poetry, teaching strategy
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