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Cultural Property Economy Commercial Complex Experience

Posted on:2015-01-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2262330425994391Subject:Architectural Design and Theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
China has become a veritable industrial country in the beginning of the21stcentury while twenty-year high-speed industrialization process past since its reformand open up policy. The Experience Economy has occurred as new economic pattern,which act most in metropolis in China with development of society and economy. It isa consumer-centric with the unity of economic production and consumption, whichemphasizes on meeting the needs of people’s spiritual, social and personality. In theexperience economy period, people have changed the way of consumption patterns,consumption structure, consumption content, consumption environment, the value ofthe target, and the way to accept products.Chapter One would introduce background of times, the purpose and meaningful,the relevant research and scope of the study. Chapter2, Chapter3and Chapter4arethe main body. Chapter Two would discourse how to seek for relationship betweendifference commercial buildings via research of the historical development ofcommercial buildings, commercial space of agricultural economic, commercialbuildings of industrial economy, commercial building of service economy,commercial construction of the experience for the economic era. Chapter Three beginwith study of social level of relationship between city, the economic aspects ofcommercial complexes and consumer experience, and the three levels of spacefeatures with study of specific aspects. the chapter four are prove the effects of theexperience economic for cultural attributes shopping by a lot of instances. tosummarizes the principles of design and methods of the new shopping center, andapply it to the design of the mall under the four features for experience economic-theentertainment, the educational, the aesthetic and the escapist。The epilogue are brief combing some refute arguments to prove theunderstanding of cultural property’s effect to the shopping center. Through the study,we find the importance of cultural property commercial complex economic era intheir designs experience.
Keywords/Search Tags:Experience Economy, Commercial Complex, CultureConsumption
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