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Geography Of Henan And Its Surrounding Area Military Qin And Han Dynasties

Posted on:2014-03-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W JiaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2260330398996745Subject:Historical geography
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This essay starts from historical military geography, Henan and its surrounding geographical area in Qin and Han Dynasties as the target. According to the known ancient documents and archaeological data, with the research method of history, geography, military science, ethnology, analyse the historical military geography in Henan and its surrounding areas in Qin and Han Dynasties, investigate the importance of political, military of this region in the period of Qin and Han Dynasties, and elaborate the change of the process and rules of its position. This paper has five parts:The introduction part mainly summarized the definition of historical military geography, the man-land relationshio of ancient military activities, as well as the evaluation of the results of predecessors in this field.The first chapter is the scope and geographical environment of the research area. The first part of this chapter mainly defines the scope of the geographical noun " Henan " in Qin and Han Dynasties, and extend the military sense of the research area of Henan. The second part describes the natural geographical environment in Henan and its surrounding areas, in addition to the overall climate, hydrology, vegetation, natural disasters, also including several large areas of the region, such as the Yinshan Mountains area, the alluvial plain of the Yellow River, Erdos Plateau, the streamway of Yellow River River, and the geographical characteristics of them. The third part describes the humane geographical environment in Hennan and its surrounding areas, such as the number of the population of this region, distribution of nationalities, ethnic composition, and economic type etc. The second chapter is the political and military situation of the period from Warring States to Qin Dynasty in Henan, including the State of Zhao operate the northeast region of Hennan, the State of Wei shortly rule the southeast of Henan and the States of Qin and Qin Dynasty plunder and development Henan, including the county construction, economic construction and military construction projects of each regime in henan. The last part of this chapter analyzes the military geography reason of the county as a military center of gravity in the peorid of Qin in Henan.The third chapter is the analysis of some military geography problem during the Han Dynasty in Henan, including the issues related to Gao Zu> Wen Di、Jin Di peorids, and focuses on the analysis of military geography problem of several Henan related border in these peorids, such as the early Western Han Dynasty, the superior defense of the two counties of Jiuyuan and Yunzhong, the military interaction among Yunzhong、Yanmen and Dai county, the set up military factors of Dingxiang County, the defensive war characteristics in the peorid of Emperor Wen, the military exploration of Han Dynasty to Xiongnu before the battle of Hanan, the analysis of the successful military geography factor of the battle of Henan, the set up military background of the Xihe county and so on, which are also the keystones of the paper.The fourth chapter is the conclusion part, the summary of the gist of the essay.
Keywords/Search Tags:Qin and Han Dynasty, Henan, Military geographical, Strategic position
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