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A Report On The Translation Of "the Charming Tea" In The Story Of Tea

Posted on:2015-01-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M Y TaoFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Tea culture is about tea-making and tea-drinking customs. In China, there goesa saying—the first seven daily necessities a day are firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce,vinegar and tea. The Chinese tea culture, both extensive and profound, starts far backand runs a long, long course. Nowadays, China is accelerating the spread of Chineseculture overseas, a good translation and introduction of tea will make an importantsignificance.This report is based on the Chinese-English translation of The Story of Tea.The chosen translation part mainly introduces the origins, naming, classification,crafts, functions of tea and its impact on other countries. As the report reveals, thesource text is an informative text featured by cultural dissemination, commercialelements, and advertising. Therefore, the translation is required to be in accordancewith the stylistic writing features of the target language and to cater to the readers.The structure of the Chinese original text should be adjusted to that of English byadopting flexible and various translation skills. The author reveals the goals of thetranslation task by detecting the functions and expected features of the target text.Because the text refers to some ancient prose, in order to achieve precision andfluency, the translator pays great attention to the specification of latent meaning andadopts methods like omission, substitution and division and integration of sentencesin the source text. At last, it comes to a conclusion about the report, including theexperience and lessons from this project as well as limitations of the study andprospects for further study.
Keywords/Search Tags:The Story of Tea, translation practice, translation project report
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