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The Research Of China’s Real Estate Rhetoric

Posted on:2015-02-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X J NingFull Text:PDF
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In the history of human civilization, language is a significant tie. Without the tie, activities which are as small as the human communication and spread of information or as big as record of history and inheritance of culture cannot proceed. In a word, the language is the most important tools of human communication. Thus, development of language ability is the essential condition and quality. Those all embody the rhetoric. Aristotle gave a definition of rhetoric:"When one considers that rhetoric included torture (in the sense that the practice of torture is a form of persuasion or coercion.), it is clear that rhetoric cannot be viewed only in academic terms." It is easy to see that the original purpose of rhetoric is "persuasion". As a matter of fact, rhetoric is the treasure for west countries to understand the "persuasion" from Aristotle to modern social psychology.Coincidentally, advertising in business is a form of marketing communication used to encourage, persuade, or manipulate an audience (viewers, readers or listeners; sometimes a specific group) to take or continue to take some action. The purpose of advertising may also be to reassure employees or shareholders that a company is viable or successful. In essence, these advertisements information would influence the consumers’impression on the brand and gradually the effects of persuasion come into being.In the process of persuasion, the way of presenting the information in advertising plays a crucial rule. In order to strengthen the effect, what the advertisement is going to say, how the information in the advertisement is presented, how to express the information better and why choose that way to express must be considered. It is related to the form and content of advertisement language, theme and demand of advertisement, pictures and test’s relationship in advertisement, the psychology of the consumers, and even the cultural factors. Those issues are involve in the field of rhetoric Therefore, there is an agreement between rhetoric and advertisements. Viewing advertisements in the way of rhetoric could understand the use of rhetorical figure, the rule of rhetoric, the situation of rhetoric in the advertisement, the consumer’s psychology and many other problems. Analyze the role which the advertisement rhetoric play’s in multi-angle. In a result, the combination between rhetoric and advertisement is a reasonable and necessary way of research.Since the real estate reform, it has been developing vigorously. The house problem is cannot be avoided. Real estate as special merchandise its high product factor involvement decides that its advertisements suits for releasing in print media. Actually, the real estate advertisement has become the backbone of newspaper media development. At present, real estate advertisement, has got rid of telling simple information. It’s gradually enriched and changed form and content provide rich material in studying the rhetoric.The first chapter is introduction, introduces the research background, significance and purpose, methods, and the results.The second chapter is theoretical derivation, to introduce what is rhetoric and advertising rhetoric, and do some improvement according to the Chinese language habits.The third chapter is content analysis, through the China advertising works yearbook to get the preliminary conclusions and assumptions.The main content of the fourth chapter is authentication the conclusion through combing the real estate advertisement rhetoric language environmentThe main content of chapter five is interpretation of the real estate advertisement rhetoric has created some of the typical "rhetoric illusion".The last part is the conclusion, puts forward some opinions and suggestions to the real estate advertising industry and find the insufficient of this research.
Keywords/Search Tags:real estate, rhetoric, context, rhetoric illusion
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