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Analysis On Efficiency Of Cultural Industry In Provinces Of China Based On DEA Models

Posted on:2015-01-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R ZhangFull Text:PDF
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In recent years, with rapid development, cultural industry has been a key component in omnibearing development road in China. Cultural industry has brought enormous social benefit and economic benefit in the field of industry form, consumer market, product type, theoretical research, concept change, regional destribution. If we affirmed end of the last century as the beginning of cultural industry in China, fast growth period would be the first ten years in this century. Since2003, our government at all levels have consciously put cultural industry to be emphasis of economic development and introduced a series of policy successively to promote the development of cultural industry.2003-2009has also been assumed as our reform-promoted stage, then the year after would be in highly development.On the basis of the time partition and also the available data, this paper chooses2003-2009as the period we measure the cultural industry efficiency in our country. According to the requirements in three-stage DEA model and Malmquist index model, this paper chooses value added and general income in cultural industry as input index and choose fixed investment and salary and welfare expenditure as output index. Horizontal and longitudinal analysis on cultural industry in31provinces is to know the overall development situation in the industry. In addition, the reason why this paper choose three-stage model is that external environment and other random factors vary from each province. Via the adjustment used in the inputs, management efficiency separated more likely gives an exact level to our cultural industry.It’s a creative way to use two models to measure our cultural industry in the year2003-2009, which has seldom been seen in domestic research achievement before. According to the result from the model, this paper comes to conclusion how external factors affect the cultural industry and makes a comparison the difference in efficiency between different provinces. We give some suggestion about development in our cultural industry,including changing idea and the role of government, expanding cultural enterprise scale, blossoming tertiary industry, working out regional development problems and promoting international competitiveness.
Keywords/Search Tags:Cultural Industry, Efficiency, Three-stage DEA
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