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On Differences Between Translation And Interpretation

Posted on:2015-03-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W LiuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The comparison and difference between interpretation and translation is of vital importanceto the strategies and tactics applied under different circumstances. Interpretation is acommunicative process which faithfully and orally transfers the information from one language toanother (Mei Deming,2006:6), with the characteristics of real-time, faithfulness, flexibility,creativity and so on. Therefore, interpretation may pay more attention to the fluency of thesentence. Compared with interpretation, there are many differences in translation, so this reportmainly deals with the word usage, sentence structure and working environment to analyzedifferent strategies of interpretation and translation. At present, China-Africa relations haveentered a new stage of development; the Fifth Ministerial Conference in July2012in Beijing isthe first ministerial meeting of the Forum in two decades and has important significance. As agreat opportunity, China-Africa cooperation is bound in the "high-level of cooperation, transitionin new areas, and improvement of cooperation" for further development. In order to explain in abetter way, the reporter adopts part of the speeches in The Forum on China-Africa Cooperation of2012and interprets and translates respectively to compare and analyze it. Through this process,the reporter would use many kinds of translation methods, for instance, order-drive, adjustproperly, predict reasonably, etc, as the case may be. No matter which method the interpreter ortranslator adopts, she or he is supposed to maintain a scrupulous attitude to interpretation andtranslation.
Keywords/Search Tags:interpretation, translation, differences
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