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The Characteristics Of Modernity Of Фóкин’s Creation Ideas Of Ballet

Posted on:2014-12-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:N WangFull Text:PDF
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This dissertation sets the research view on dancing aesthetics. In this research field,researches focus on asking and finding essence of dancing, and use ballet, the best presenteddance, to be research target.Ballet’s technics and styles became mature in the period of classical ballet, and it wascontinuously filled with new power with the development of society and innovation ofpeople’s ideas. is a famous ballet director and reformerof Russia in early20th’V%HFDXVH ’V EDllHW FUHDWion fDYoXU EoWh FDUU3foUZDUGtraditional ballet and innovation and creation, he becomes an important people to transformtraditional ballet to modern ballet. His reformation makes positive and long-term effect onmodern EDllHW ZoUlGZiGH, Vo WhDW hH iV knoZn DV WhH fDWhHU of moGHUn EDllHW’V FUHDWion iGHDV of EDllHW mDinl3foFXV on WhH pUoElHmV DnG GiVDGYDnWDgHV ofRussia ballet in the early20th’V2n onH hDnG, carried out five principles of new ballet,and on the other hand, he made these five principles standards of judgment for modern balletcreation. During this period, hecreate representative works of early Russia modern ballet,such as Fairies, Firebird and Petrushka.7hiV GiVVHUWDWion H[ploUHV WhH foXnGDWion of WhoXghW of ’V FUHDWion iGHDV of EDllHW,combines them with the background of western modern art trend in the late19th’V DnG HDUl320th’V, GiVFXVVHV WhH FhDUDFWHUiVWiFV of moGHUniW3of ’V FUHDWion iGHDV of EDllHW, DnGexpect to make some contribution for ballet creation in China.
Keywords/Search Tags:Фóкин, ballet, creation idea, characteristics of modernity
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