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Research On The Compatibility Principles Of Drugs In "Yilingaicuo" Of Wang Qingren

Posted on:2015-02-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J S WuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2254330428970528Subject:Traditional Medical Formulae
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Objective: Based on reading the original fully, to "yilingaicuo" of WangQingren contained in prescription information comprehensively, carefularrangement, and auxiliary calculation and statistics, using moderninformation technology, through the combination of qualitative analysis andquantitative analysis, the combination of macro and micro analysis andresearch, full range, multi-level, in order to obtain "some important rules in"yilingaicuo"of Wang Qingren prescriptions, accurately grasp the academiccharacteristics and treatment experience of Wang Qingren, for thetransmission of medical academic thought, promote local application value toprovide more effective way.Methods:1Selecting China press of traditional Chinese medicine of the firstedition in1955"yilingaicuo" as the research foundation, the version to threeHuai Tang Ke ben to dibon, by Li Zhanyong, Yue Xuelian school note.2Based on reading of the original work full, the original function of theprescription, recorded in attending and compatibility of drugs, dosage, usageand other information to conduct a comprehensive, detailed arrangement, andcreate a text file. First of all, the original function of the prescription and thecollation and archiving. Secondly, collation and archiving of the originalprescription drug dosage in. Third, to working on the monarch drug in theprescription of.3Putting the information getting from "yilingaicuo" prescription, to thecomputer through the Foxtable2013software all input, to establish a "WangQingren" yilingaicuo "prescription information database".4Through the computer to "yilingaicuo" recorded the prescription ofstatistical information and analysis. Firstly, according to the prescription effect and indications for statistics and analysis. Secondly, the statistics and analysisof the drug use frequency and dose. Third, statistics and analysis according tothe compatibility of drugs.Results:1Wang Qingren’s "yilingaicuo" recorded33formula. Among them,which contained5prescriptions,28prescriptions under load; oral prescription31, topical prescription2. All prescriptions involving a total of81herbs,among them,19kinds of "Invigorate the circulation of medicine","tonic"18taste,"warm medicine"9taste,"Liqi medicine"7flavor, other1taste.Composition of prescription drugs is the most external parties "Yulong cream",16herbs; herbs at least is the "Chouhulu wine" and "hedgehog skin powder",were taken orally, each have1medicine.2"Yilingaicuo" recorded in function of the prescription and indications:form the33prescriptions, prescriptions,24prescriptions have "Invigorate thecirculation" function, in addition,"Liqi"14songs""Invigorating qi"11songs,"clearing heat" and "clearing damp" the8songs,"yin tonic" and "relieve pain",each6Songs "warm the middle warmer" and "dredging collaterals" each5songs, and the other effect such as the "relieving convulsion and spasm","treating boils","enlighten","stanch bleeding","tonifying yang" and "soothethe nerves","relieve itching","dispel the wind","cure indigestion","inducingastringency","insecticidal" are in5the following. About the indications,33prescriptions of "syndrome of blood stasis syndrome"19songs,"qideficiencysyndrome" and "qi stagnation syndrome" each11songs,"blood-heatsyndrome"5songs, and the other as "coagulated cold syndrome","phlegmsyndrome","dampness syndrome" are in5the following. The results show,Wang Qingren takes important effect on blood abnormalities diseaseemergence and development of the diagnosis, prescription is to regulate qi andblood, blood stasis is the most prominent.3"Yilingaicuo" China agent involved in frequency of use and dosage ofdrugs:33prescriptions involving81herbs, used a total of205times, the mostfrequently used, as "peach", there are14prescriptions, followed by "flowers carthami"13prescriptions,"astragalus","angelica","red paeonia","licorice"are11songs,"chuanxiong"9first, the "radix bupleuri"6songs, the rest of thedrugs are less than5. About the drug dose, the original all the drugs involved atotal dose of3776.16g, total dose single drug in maximum for "astragalus"1056.38g, accounting for27.97%, followed by "sesame oil"1000g, accountedfor26.48%;"peach"200.81g, accounted for5.32%;"whitish honey"125g,accounting for3.31%;"flowers carthami"126.56g, accounting for3.32%;"licorice"114.75g, accounting for3.04%;"Angelica"111.38g, accounting for2.95%; the total dose of the drug accounted for more than2%in. Sortaccording to the average dose, dosage is larger. Taking into account thesesame oil, white honey, talc, nux vomica and other drug use frequency is toolittle, but mostly topical or medicine dosage form (not single dose), therefore,the average single drug doses of Astragalus is still the uncrowned king, peachkernel, safflower, angelica, red peony root, Chuanxiong Huoxue drugs such asdose was still in the front row, bupleurum, fennel, Suzi, angry machinesettings also centered on the dose level.4"Yilingaicuo" recorded in the original drug prescription:33prescriptions,"astragalus" as monarch drug in11songs,"peach" as monarchdrug in8songs,"myrrh" as monarch drug in3songs, the prescriptions withmusk, rhizoma cyperi, radix aconiti, dill, sal ammoniac, hedgehog skin, nuxvomica, pig bile, dried gourds, agaric as monarch drug, are1prescription.Prescription1/3book as "Invigorating qi" medicine "astragalus" as monarchdrug, but as "peach and "myrrh" as monarch drug, is not in the minority.5In the original33prescriptions, there are a maximum of two herbscombined with the structure (i.e."medicine"), followed by "peach, flowerscarthami" is12songs,"peach, red paeonia" is9songs,"flowers carthami, redpaeonia" is8songs,"flowers carthami, angelica" and "angelica, chuanxiong"are7songs,"peach, angelica" and "flowers, chuanxiong" are6songs,"angelica, red paeonia","red paeonia, chuanxiong","peach, chuanxiong","astragalus, flowers carthami","astragalus, angelica" are5songs,"astragalusroot, peach" is4songs, etc.. Compatibility of three herbs are for "peach, flowers carthami, red paeonia" is8songs,"peach, flowers carthami, angelica"is7songs,"chuanxiong, flowers carthami, angelica" is6songs,"peach,flowers carthami, chuanxiong " and " angelica, flowers carthami, flowerscarthami, red paeonia" are5songs,"chuanxiong, angelica, red paeonia" and"Astragalus, peach, flowers carthami" and "chuanxiong, flowers carthami, redpaeonia" are4songs. Four kinds of drug compatibility structure is the most"peach, flowers carthami, chuanxiong, red paeonia" and "peach, flowerscarthami, angelica, red paeonia" are only4songs. Five kinds of drugcompatibility structure is the most "peach, flowers carthami, chuanxiong, redpaeonia, angelica", only3songs. The above results showed that, in the"yilingaicuo" all prescription, compatibility between drugs for invigoratingblood circulation and blood activating drugs structure is the most common,"Invigorating qi" medicine Astragalus use combined with promoting bloodcirculation drugs is also quite a number of.Conclusion: This is the first study to use Foxtable computer softwareto establish a complete Wang Qingren’s "yilingaicuo" prescription informationdatabase, will be the first "yilingaicuo" all prescription as a whole, qualitativeand quantitative, macro with micro, all-round, multi-level study of theprescription compatibility rules, the main conclusions are the following fiveaspects.1"Yilingaicuo" contained33prescriptions, up5first, Volume28;31songs,2songs for external use. All prescriptions involving a total of81herbs,among them,19kinds of "Invigorate the circulation of medicine","tonic"18taste,"warm medicine"9taste,"Liqi medicine"7flavor, other1taste.Composition of prescription drugs is the most external parties "Yulong cream",16herbs; herbs at least is the "Chouhulu wine" and "hedgehog skin powder",were taken orally, each have1medicine.2"Yilingaicuo" recipe has functions of promoting blood circulation arethe most, followed by "Liqi" and "Invigorating qi"; indications with bloodstasis, followed by "qideficiency syndrome" and "qi stagnation syndrome";promoting blood circulation drug like peach, use frequency is highest, followed by "Liqi" and "Invigorating qi" drugs. So Wang Qingren takesimportant effect on the disease of abnormal blood generation and development,the first diagnosis prescription of regulating qi and blood, especially bloodstasis method for flexible use is called the ultimate perfection in one’s studies..3Wang Qingren very preferences on the dosage of Astragalus,generally beyond the dose used in contemporary medicine about the drug,5times as much as the highest frequency of use peach dose, and even some1Chinese medicine Astragalus prescription dose to the dose and times. WangQingren based on what kind of consideration so super routine use ofAstragalus, pending further study.4The original prescription1/3with astragalus as monarch, almostforming situation with Astragalus is the monarch drug in square, followed byblood activating drugs like peach or myrrh as monarch drug, and the drug israrely of "Liqi". This may suggest, Wang Qingren in the diagnosis andtreatment of disturbance of qideficiency syndrome and blood circulation andprofit and loss and other related diseases, of great significance to pay moreattention to, so that the gas Wang to promote blood flow, make promote bloodmetaplasia.5According to the results of drug compatibility, believes in WangQingren’s subconscious, doctor prescription rely on is still Huoxue herbs, andqideficiency syndrome deficiency is very to be equipped with qi invigoratingdrugs, can match Astragalus and reuse for you.
Keywords/Search Tags:"Yilingaicuo", Wang Qingren, prescription, Chinesetraditional medicine, compatibility, dose, foxtable
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