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A Investigation On Influencing Factors Of Obesity Of Preschool Children In A District Of Wuhan

Posted on:2014-01-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y X ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2254330425956773Subject:Epidemiology and Health Statistics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Objective1. Understand the riverbank in Jiang’an district preschool children’s weight status andmother’s knowledge, beliefs and behaviour through the analysis of baseline survey.2. By adopting the method of case-control studies, to understand the riverbank in Jiang’andistrict preschool children’s weight status and mother’s knowledge, beliefs and behaviour. And toobtain related factors of obesity in preschool children by Logistic regression and other statisticalsuch as T-test and Chi-square methods.3. According to statistical results, provide science according to prevent and manage obesityof preschool children in Jiang’an district of Wuhan.Methods1. To analysis of developing trend of the preschool children obesity prevalence and evaluateobesity in preschool children through epidemiological investigation.2. Randomly selected four kindergartens in Jiang’an district of Wuhan.To Investigate605preschool children’s mother (353boys,353girls, age2~6years old, average4.82years).Measuring the height and weight of children by professional investigator adopting theunified measuring tool.Survey content including: mother’s basic information、mother’s dailyexercise、mother’s health beliefs、basic information of children.To adopt the method ofcase-control study according to the principle of1:2.3. To Input data with EXCEL software by using logical screening found the error andcorrected in a timely manner. Analysis of factors associated with obesity in preschool children byT-test chi-square test and Logistic regression on SAS8.1,(P<0.05) as a statistically significantdifference.Results1. Preschool children obesity epidemic status in Jiang’an district of WuhanObjective indergartens including2public kindergartens and2privatekindergartens.Preschool children obesity prevalence is11.57in objective kindergartens andhigher than in previous years in literatures.Obesity rates increased with age,P<0.05.The risk ofpreschool children obesity is very high and preschool children obesity prevalence is rising yearby year in the four kindergartens.So preschool children’s weight problems worthy of relateddepartment’s attention in Jiang’an district of Wuhan.2. Risk factors of obesity for preschool childrenPreschool children obesity risk factors are associated with the mother’s behavior andbeliefs by the principle of1:2. By single factor analysis we can conclude: birth is huge or not、infant feeding way、daily meditation time、how much weight a mother during pregnancy、mother’s BMI、mother’s daily exercise time、number of outdoor activities with your child every week for mother are risk factors of obesity for preschool children.Results came from themulti-factor Logistic regression analysis showed that mother’s weight increased duringpregnancy is more than12kg、number of outdoor activities with your child every week formother is less than4times and artificial feeding during babyhood are three major risk factors forobesity in preschool children.The first risk factor is mother’s weight increased during pregnancymore than12kg.The obesity prevalence of children whose mother’s weight increased duringpregnancy more than12kg is3.487times of children whose mother’s weight increased duringpregnancy less than12kg (95%CI=1.075~11.311).The obesity prevalence of children whosenumber of outdoor activities with mother every week less than4times is2.468times of whosenumber of outdoor activities with mother every week more than4times,95%CI=1.258~9.847.The obesity prevalence of children who was artificial feeded duringbabyhood is1.447times of children who was breast feed during babyhood.So the risk factors areassociated with the behavior and beliefs of mother.Strengthening the propaganda and educationto mother,helping them establish scientific health belief,improving their unhealthy behavior arereducing the occurrence and development of preschool children obesity and achieving thepurpose of effective prevention and control of obesity in preschool children.Conclusion1. The prevalence of obesity in preschool children in Jiang’an district of Wuhanis significantly higher than the national and higher than ever in the same area of the results ofthe survey.Preschool children obesity has become an increasingly serious public health problemin our city.2. By the principle of1:2. By single factor analysis we can conclude: birth is huge or not、infant feeding way、daily meditation time、how much weight a mother during pregnancy、mother’s BMI、mother’s daily exercise time、number of outdoor activities with your child everyweek for mother are risk factors of obesity for preschool children.And mother’s weight increasedduring pregnancy is more than12kg、number of outdoor activities with your child every week formother is less than4times and artificial feeding during babyhood are three major risk factors forobesity in preschool children.3. Preschool children’s mother and the kindergarten are not paying much attention toobesity of preschool,so we should Strengthen the mother education on preschool children forpreschool children.
Keywords/Search Tags:Preschool children, obesity, relevant factors, mother
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