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Clinical Analysis With52Cases Of Migraine Patients

Posted on:2013-02-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W J LuoFull Text:PDF
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Objective:Migraine is one of the most common diseases in department ofneurology, and its main characteristic is a pulsatile headache with inducing factors suchas emotional excitation, psychological overpressure and prophesy such as flash, vaguesighting, and numb limbs, often accompanied by neural and psychological disorder.There is high rate of morbility and prevalence for the human society and millions ofpeople in the world are suffering from migraine, significantly influencing the normallife and job performance for people, as well as bringing substantial burden for peopleand society, and thus discussing the treat of clinical feature and shunt is essential todecrease rate of morbility and Mutilation.Method:1.The selection of samples include (1)110patients with the principalsymptom of headache in Liaoning Renmin Hospital from June2011to Apr2012foremergency and hospitalization in department of neurology, under the selection by thestandard of migraine, and according with or without aura migraine we find70sampleswithin which52samples with intact information, and thus those are patients weselect.(2) Patients according to Standard of2004migraine diagnosing by InternationalHeadache Society.(3) Not having any drugs with the purpose of preventing and curingmigraine.(4) According to the standard of exclusion.2.Sampling and Procession ofinformation: All patients are applied with the same table made by us. This table inquireand records outpatient emergency and hospital admissions in department of neurology,and collects clinical data, building digital table and summarizing the general conditionsof patients of migraine, for instance, the character, nature, position, and with or withoutaura.3.Method for research: review data related to the research and use SPSS softwareto do statistical analysis for the result. Results:1.Within the52patients of this research, the most is female (male-18,34.62%and female-34,65.38%,and the ratio of male and female is1:2);2.Ages areon the range of13-63, with the average age of39.71±13.66;3.26patients, or50%,arewith a family history of migraine;4.Endocrine secretion, food and environment caninduce migraine;5.Number of patients with long history of migraine under the age of13-18is by most20,with the longest history of44years;6.30.77%of patients are withaura symptoms;7.Migraine is mainly characterized as pulsatile pain at parstemporalis;8.The symptoms of migraine has been significantly lessened under thetherapy of calcium antagonists、the excitomotor of5-hydroxytryptamine receptor andantidepressant drug.Conclusion:1.The occurrence of migraine is mainly on female with the age of20-45;2. Half the patients has a family history of migraine;3.There is aura symptombefore the occurrence of migraine and its most common symptom is optical aura;4.Mostof patients are with a long patient history. Migraine has inducing reasons (menstruation,food, etc);5. Migraine is mainly characterized as pulsatile pain at pars temporalis;6. Thedaily life and study has been affected with the frequently attacks of the patients;7.Mostpatients can be treated effectively by the calcium antagonists、the excitomotor of5-hydroxytryptamine receptor and antidepressant drug.
Keywords/Search Tags:Migraine, Clinical characteristic analysis, Diagnosis, Therapy
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