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The Plural Design Of Museum Public Service Space

Posted on:2014-01-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2252330425976797Subject:Degree in architecture
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The past two decades, the world’s cultural and ethnic cultural development has entered aperiod of unprecedented prosperity, building as a carrier of culture, emerging out of the newscene, changing the face of urban life. Standing wave of cultural development in the forefrontof Culture Expo building, and thus entered a golden period of development, countries aroundthe new and renovation and expansion of museums, like the springing general they stand. Notonly are they holy city of culture and arts, but also a landmark tourist attraction, it is the city’switness and engines. For a long time, China’s comprehensive development of architecturalspace museum there are many problems, particularly in the public service space can notsatisfy the public museums and cultural services for the needs of the new era, thedevelopment of public services lag space greatly limits the role museums play. To address thissituation, this paper proposes a museum complex diversified public service space design.This diversification of public services in order to promote museums as a starting point,the study of contemporary public services integrated class museum space design methods.Integrated combined home and abroad through the development status and trends of museumcompare, analyze, summarize, summarize general museum public service space diversitydesign trends, and on this basis will the public service space and urban public space withinteractive, space diversity function orientation of public services and public service spacediversity design three design concepts into research framework proposed museum complex ofdiversified public service space design strategy, the diversification of the design space ofpublic services on the existing excellent comprehensive design Museum review andsummarize trends for the general museum space design of public services to provide somereference and guidance.Thesis expounded in three parts, the first comprehensive museum of contemporarydomestic and foreign current development of public service space briefly summarize,summarize the development trend of foreign excellent museum, museum of public services that the spatial development of domestic shortcomings and deficiencies presented papers coreissues: how museum designed to improve public services to meet public space museum ofpublic services for the diverse needs?Secondly, through analysis of the development trend of domestic and foreign outstandingmuseums, summed up the public service space museum complex design strategydiversification and space from the public service to interact with diverse urban public space,public service function of positioning and spatial diversification diversified public servicespace design three angles comprehensive museum of public services for Deep spacediversified design strategy elaboration.Finally, the future museum complex spatial development trend of public services forprospects, and through the personal experiences of the New Museum of Anhui Provincedesign practice, for example, further illustrate the diversity of museum space design of publicservices.This study integrated use analysis, induction, deduction method, outside to the inside,through the phenomenon of nature, drill deep thinking. By introducing the concept ofdiversification, combining architectural design museum status quo, ask questions, analyze andsolve problems. In the space design of the study, cited a number of examples, the use of acomprehensive analysis of the ways to solve the current museum complex public servicespace design problems, combined with new design trends and strategies to study and solve.
Keywords/Search Tags:general museum, public service space, diversified design
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