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Slow City Concept In Landscape Of Agritainment

Posted on:2014-03-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F J CengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2252330425951205Subject:Landscape architecture
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Slow city is a new concept of urban development in recent years. In the modern society where the life is at a very fast speed, the concept of slow city is what people yearn for a better life. Now applying to be a slow city is some small towns where has a lot of favorable ecological environment.Because of slow city condition has carried on the strict limit, which hindered its development in big cities. So how will slow city concept used in big cities is worth thinking about among the most researchers.Agritainment in China has developed more than20years, under national policy support on rural tourism, It has obtained rapid development, Chengdu is the birthplace of agritainment, agritainment’s rural quiet, natural, slow rhythm way of life attracted a large number of tourists to enjoy.For the first, the articleintroduced about slow city and rural development ofagritainmentin detail, as article breakthrough point, the paper summarizes the slow city pattern,slow city concept, and the rural development and the concept of slow city link, research shows that agritainment in Chengdu usually situate in ChengJiaoQu where there is generally in a good ecological environment;The food here is outstanding natural green;Rural Home Inns are given priority for the first industry——agriculture, They protect the local traditional industries and various folk activities, as well as sell all kinds of local products and handicrafts such as protection of the local folk traditional culture.There is a slow pace of life,that is also a kind of slow travel. Generated by these features which fits slow city concept well.So as slow city concept deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, using agritainment development as an example in Chengdu for the first time to make a preliminary probe into slow city concept application in the big cities.Second, the article does field investigation and questionnaire survey in Sansheng town, hometown of peach flowers,Agricultural village in Chengdu.The survey their about the population, environmental policy, infrastructure, architecture and landscape, residents quality, traditional culture and customs, the pace of life to compare with slow city concept,the investigation shows that Chengdu agritainment had jurisdiction over population is less than50,000people; The environment in Chengdu agritainment is good and ecological damage is small; There has perfect infrastructure; Architecture and landscape are embodies the characteristics of western Sichuan folk houses and traditional regional landscape features; Residents is in good quality; Traditional culture and custom preserved; The pace of life is slow.Finally we come to the conclusion that Chengdu agritainment development fits slow city concept in every aspects, so it shows that Chengdu agritainment is a new model of slow city development.Finally,use this conclusion to get some advice for today’s agritainment landscape design accordingly, hoping that through slow city concept in the application of rural landscape design inject new vitality for the agritainment development.
Keywords/Search Tags:landscape architecure of agritainment, slow city concept, Chengduagritainment
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