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The Blank Space In The Building-analysis Buildings Blank Symbiotic Environment

Posted on:2014-03-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2252330422955380Subject:Architectural Design and Theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Blank, from painting, to guide the audience to reach vain word romantic realm ofcompeting aimed at comparing the actual situation, material elaborate and exaggerated.Blank concept epitomizes the artistic nature of the Chinese art of great importance toharmonious. The construction of the classical gardens, blank practices in the plane andspace can be very good interpretation of the two-dimensional artistic effect convertedinto three-dimensional spatial experience. It can be said that landscape architecture isto be left blank earlier this concept to the typical example of success in theconstruction. Modern architecture originated in the West building system, focusing onthe entity and fewer environmental concerns. Contemporary China is itself a Westernarchitectural theory-based architectural design, and as has long been the architects ofour domestic construction abroad learning is often a form of representation learning,lack internal inquiry lead in the cultural and architectural nature of the lack of culture.This is our architects now need to be properly solved the problem. The good news isthat there are now more and more architects are beginning to face this phenomenon,and in this issue from all angles to explore.The authors start from the traditional Chinese aesthetic concept of "blank",analysis of blank aesthetic constitute its inherent inherent philosophical significance,put forward the concept of building white space, combined with the the visualpsychology point of view, trying to explore building blank with mood, the relationshipof imagery, as well as blank role in the symbiosis of architecture and environment, andexamples to study the composition and expression of blank space. Analysis of blankspace on the building shape classification by white space perspective to attempt to discover the essential meaning of the building, from the point of view in the form ofoutside to investigate some of the constraints or principles from blank to guidearchitectural design.Blank concept is too abstract, and often lack some of the practical operability forthe architectural design of this entity operating according to the principles of themethod of box-counting dimension simplified two-dimensional analysis grid fillingmethod of analysis objects, draw a certain quantitative data relationships, which rangefrom quantitative reference.Past a blank direction of academic research is often biased towards individualstudies, In this paper, the study of individuals on the basis of the blank spiritphilosophy extends to building system, combined with the architectural designpractices by white space concept of civic design integration stressed premiseenvironment designed to complement the architectural form as a design technique tostudy the core design theory.Text from the blank word to start exploring the inner meaning and the moredisciplines white space manifestations, be extended to the architectural design similarmodus operandi is summarized in the current construction practice generalconstruction blank ways and tactics, and blank concept extends to groups design, thepenetration of its spiritual meaning to the urban architectural design, to explore howarchitecture and environment design tools to achieve symbiotic. In the specific contextof environmental pressures facing cities today, the aesthetic value of the architecturaldesign affect the sustainable development of the urban environment has a positivereference.
Keywords/Search Tags:blank, space, architecture, symbiotic
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