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The Gardening Technique And Analysis Of Causes For Quanzhou Modern Private Garden

Posted on:2014-03-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y F PanFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This article is focusing on the private garden of Quanzhou during the early of20thcentury. Via studying related documents, comparing study of different field and sitevisit, the intention is to find out their similarity and to get a clear picture of Quanzhouprivate garden’s transforms during the early20th century when western and easternculture starts interfacing with each other. The article is using the Quanzhou socialenvironment as main structure, supported by site photos, paying attention to thedesign of private gardens and their creates, analyzing their social environment, gardenstyles and elements, and finally using computer programs rebuilding several typicalgardens’ model, in order to further understand the design of private gardens and findout the deep relationship between Quanzhou private garden and Quanzhou socialbackground of early20th century.In certain level, Quanzhou private garden not only shows Quanzhou area’seconomic status during the early20th century, but also showsthe unsophisticatedcharacterize of private garden design. However, most of thoseprivate gardens are usually small in the overall building system, while their landscapeoutline is in an introverted gesture, and the overall view of the garden’s landscape isacting a slow rhythm. Most of them are more like a pinup style, which can hardlyachieve a comprehensive and unified effect. This somehow tells Quanzhou culture’stradition of valuing commercial business more than the culture.In the end, hope this research may give some help to people’s work in the field ofMin-nan private garden study in the future.
Keywords/Search Tags:Quanzhou, modern, private garden, garden technique, analysis of causes
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