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Comparative Study On Educational Space Of International School And Elementary&Middle School

Posted on:2014-03-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2252330401459222Subject:Architectural Design and Theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the increasing development of economy and opening policy in China today, moreand more foreign companies and business institutes establish in Mainland. Consequently,since1980s, in order to offer education to the growing amount of foreign children, whomove to China following their parents, varied international schools are rapidly founded incities and surrounding regions, especially in places where has high density of foreigncompanies and joint enterprises.Since there are differences of education system, society structure and economybetween China and Western countries, design principles and forms of education space varya lot. Education space provides a base for processing diverse activities and at the meantimeexpresses the teaching concepts to people so that it would directly affect the quality ofeducation. However, today in China there is few resource of international schools andinsufficient experience on designing these buildings. Research on these spaces and therelatively mature education system will undoubtedly benefit current education in ourcountry and help improve construction in the future, especially in the period that exam-focaleducation is transferring to quality-focal education.The article basing on the comparison between international schools and Chineseschools, showed detailed information gained from site visits in some Shanghai internationalschools and Chinese schools in Zhongshan, come up with summary by taking researchpapers and website information into consideration and pointed out personal opinions anddesign suggestions.7chapters are included and they are divided into three parts:Part1: Question. Bring out the research background and purpose, define researchscope and show current international research situation by Chapter1–Introduction.Part2: Analysis. Chapter2and3describe the concept and development of educationspace and education principles. By discussing the common points of Chinese and foreigneducation concept and education space design, summarize the universal space designprinciples based on different education requirements. This is the Theoretical Analysis. InChapter4and5, by comparing space arrangement, classroom organization, study environment and detail designs show the differences between International schools andChinese schools. This is the Case Analysis. By these two types of analyses, this researchaims at finding the discipline of construction and revealing the relationship betweeneducation principles and education space.Part3: Resolution. Chapter6and7would issue suggestions for International schoolsand do final summary for the whole research. Meanwhile, inspiration for schools in ourcountries would be pointed out and assumption for future development and improvementmethods will be discussed in these chapters as well.
Keywords/Search Tags:International School, Elementary and Middle School, Educational Concept, Educational Space, Comparative Study
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