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The Influence Of Land Acquisition To Farmers’ Utility

Posted on:2014-01-31Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F J LiuFull Text:PDF
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In the process of china’s urbanization inevitably involved with land expropriation, especially the rural collective land. To farmer, land is the important information, also is the main source of income. The land is very important to the influence of the farmers, and the land expropriation policy has significant effects on farmers. According to Huo Yaqin (2004), Liu Hongmei (2006), the influence that utility, can be discussed through analysis of factors influencing the effectiveness of land expropriation policy impact on farmers.In this paper, through on-the-spot investigation, two representative in ji nan area Huai Yinqu and Shi Zhongqu for further research, The corresponding data are obtained.According to the existing study, land expropriation mainly from the following several aspects to influence farmers’utility:direct economic income, employment, social security and a reflection of its value, etc. including Huo Yaqin (2004) the effectiveness of land for farmers is mainly embodied in three aspects:the direct economic benefits, social security and employment. Liu Hongmei, Wang Kejiang (2006) of land for farmers including life safeguard utility, and utility of the employment effect, direct economic benefit, children inherit the utility, land can be compensated after the utility, in order to avoid paying huge fees, utility, etc.Comprehensively, this paper sorted the factors that influenced the utility of the reasons into four categories:land expropriation compensation and compensation of cultivated land to carry out the situation, social life security as well as in a process can embody the element such as farmers’ rights. According to the survey data for simple statistical analysis, this paper discusses changes due to land expropriation and land utility for farmers to produce what effect, and analyses the reason of this impact, and put forward the corresponding opinions and suggestions.In order to improve the utility of farmers after land requisition, my proposal is: continue to rationalize land expropriation compensation standard, intensify supervision to ensure clear implementation of compensation and increase farmers’ employment ability, establish a good farmer social security mechanism, and perfect the corresponding laws and regulations...
Keywords/Search Tags:Land expropriation, Landless peasants, Utility
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