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The Research Of Industiral Agglomeration And Integration In Wanjiang City Belt

Posted on:2013-12-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y Y GuoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2249330374490058Subject:Industrial Economics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
January21,2010, the State Council formally approved the "Wanjiang Citydemonstration zone for industrial transfer planning"."Wanjiang City demonstrationzone for industrial transfer planning" clearly positioned Wanjiang demonstration zonefor cooperation and development in the first district, science development experimentalzone, mid rise important growth pole, the throughout the country’s important advancedmanufacturing industry and service industry base. City belt industrial developmentcoincided with the good luck of " mid rise abruptly" and" East Development" strategic,so the research for city belt of industry agglomeration and integrated is particularlyimportant.Through the analysis of the city belt of economic gross, development stage ofindustrialization, the three industry structure, industry cluster development stage pointedout some programs of the city belt industrial agglomeration, such as enterpriseinnovation and cooperative consciousness is weak, the enterprise inside the industry isdepending on resources, the enterprise inside the industry" set and not group", industryrelated degree low, industrial upgrading difficulties, lack of industrial planning andother aspects of the problem.In view of the problem of industry agglomeration in Wanjiang City Belt, pointedout that the city belt of industry conformity is necessary. On this basis, straighten outthe city belt industrial conformity basic train of thought and development key, fromenterprise interior, industry, industry between the three levels undertake industrialconformity theory analysis, and according to each city Wanjiang City Belt of advantageindustry, pillar industry, dominant industry, give the headquarters economy pattern ofautomobile industry, the industrial chain of longitudinal integration extension ofmetallurgy and metal processing industry integration, advantage industry as the leadingelectronics industry integration, park planning oriented food processing and textileindustry integration, energy industry and university technology industry integrationsuggestions.
Keywords/Search Tags:Wanjiang City Belt, Industrial Agglomeration, Industrial Integration
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