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Research On Measures And Key Factors For Food Safety Diffusion In China

Posted on:2013-09-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:N N KuangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2249330374480100Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
It is no doubt that "Food Safety" is one of the most hot topics in recent two years. Althoughthe pass rate of our food security exceeds90%, indicating the safety situation is improving yearby year, however, the problem of food safety still upsets the people because of the increasingunqualified food being exposed. So far, food safety has been payed great attention by our country,government and the society. Ensuring the food safety concerns not only the people’s health butalso contributes to the enhancing of the competition of our agriculture and food industry, whichimproves the exportation of our products. In the whole food supply chain, food safety diffusionplays an important part in enhancing the level of food safety.Based on review of domestic and foreign related research, this paper describes the currentsituation of chinese food safety through the questionnaire survey.Then use empirical researchmethod and collect the data according to the polls, mainly focus on three aspects: processing,transportation, and sales analyzing the situation of the food safety proliferation, thus theconstraint factors can be concluded according to Management by Constraints. Finally, in order tocreated a new period of food safety network, the paper provided some measures in terms ofgovernment, entrepreneur and consumers respectively, it emphasized improving and perfectingthe government’s accountability systems and market monitoring system of food safety,increasing the intensity of the punishment of illegal behavior, attaching importance to theconstruction of corporate social responsibility and food safety knowledge of publicity.
Keywords/Search Tags:Food safety diffusion, Constraint factor, Countermeasure
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