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Study On Management Process Optimization Of New Products Development In Company A

Posted on:2013-07-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q WuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2249330371479369Subject:Industrial Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Along with the improvement of science and economy, the global marketcompetition is getting more and more intense. It will restrict the development of thecompany if the Co. adopts procurement methods like large enterprises’on their coreproducts. Therefore, new products development is the key to enhance corecompetitiveness for the Innovative Enterprise. For instance, automotive industry is ahigh-tech industry. With the continuous progress of science and technology, thedevelopment cycle of motor vehicle is constantly shorter, in the meantime, the updaterate is continually faster. Nowadays, enterprises pay more attention to the cultivationof innovative ability. Consequently, the development of new products is highly valuedby companies. Development of new products is a high-risk investment withcomplexity and uncertainty. The management of new products development is the keyto enhance the success rate of new products development. This paper not only carriesout a case analysis for a specific company, but also does a research about how tooptimize the management processes of the new products development.The research of the management process of new products development forcompany A is based on the study of the existing management processes. It analyzesdifferent stages of the new products development to find out the factors that affectnew products development, involving quality, time, costs and so on. There are someobvious problems in developing new products such as cumbersome approvalprocedures, poor flexibility, lack of feedback and low cooperative capacity. Therefore,these problems cause a longer R&D cycle so that the new products can’t be put intoproduction because of the difference between new products and market demand.On the basis of problem analyzing, A carries out an optimization research on theirmanagement process of new products development. Simultaneously, A adoptscooperation optimization method during the optimization process. Cooperation is asubject which studies how to make disorder turn into order. New productsdevelopment is high-risk and uncertain, therefore, A uses the cooperative theory tostudy and optimize during the whole program cycle. After optimizing themanagement of new products development, there are a series of improve ments. For example, it incurs not only an increase upon feedback link, but also an improvementof cooperativity in the whole process. In addition, it strengthens the whole systemwith the strategic synergy, organization synergy, process synergy and market synergy.Whether enterprise A’s optimized development and management process of newproducts makes sense is the key to our study. So after the optimization, the ANPmethod is used to evaluate and confirm it. According to the target requirements andcombining with the actual situation of the enterprise, synergy capacity indicators ofenterprise A’s new products` developing management process is formulated. After thedetermination of the indicators, management staffs who participate in thedevelopment of the new products are invited to score the indicators and then set up theweight of each indicator. From the qualitative and quantitative angle, the proposal’sfeasibility is evaluated and confirmed.The optimization and implement of the management process differs a lot. There arelots of resistances in the implementation process. In order to ensure that the optimizedprocess of the new products` developing management can achieve the expectedrequirements, the shortcomings on the optimization study are po inted out andfurthermore, this paper comes up with the required safeguards in the basis of theconfirmation of the optimized process of the new products` developing managementso as to ensure that the entire management process can meet the demand of enterprisedevelopment.
Keywords/Search Tags:New Products Development, Management Process Optimization, CooperationManagement, ANP
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