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Research On Logistic Strategy Of Shekou Container Terminal Ltd

Posted on:2013-12-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D W YuanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2249330371478004Subject:Business Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
After China’s accession to the WTO. the trend of economic globalization is increasingly evident, the rapid development of the world trade has contributed to the development of port logistics and shipping economy which promote the development of Container Terminal developments. However,since the financial crisis in2008,the slowdown in the growth rate of world trade which affect the pace of development of the maritime economy and impact the growth of container shipping companies and container terminals. As an important component of the world trade and transportation.,the port logistics,especially the container terminal is an important issue.Shekou Container Terminal Ltd, which is a main container terminal located at south china,is a main contribution center starting from the enterprise’s geographical location who is a regional economic hinterland state of the economy. Starting from the macroeconomic environment for the enterprises of the region. Transmigration of the enterprises in which the internal and external to the industry trends, detailed analysis and research from within the company’s business situation, financial situation, information systems, human resources management and corporate culture to in order to facilitate their long-term future development options and the development of logistics development strategy.In this paper, the theory of the strategic enterprise management tool, the use of Porter’s competitive analysis, SWOT analysis and the grand strategy matrix analysis. With the strategic analysis model, summed up the Shekou Container Terminal(SCT),through external opportunities and threats which the advantage and facing internal operation management and disadvantages of the container port services and features. SCT should build logistic strategic which customer preferred the south china container terminal and become center logistics development strategy for the future. The business administration theory stages of learning to master the theoretical knowledge and corporate strategic management to the use of the full field and corporate investigations, strategy formulation and implementation of the program in tune with the actual situation, then give business management decision-making reference value. Reference value for the company to develop the strategic of long-term development,as well as port logistics enterprise.
Keywords/Search Tags:Shekou Container Terminal Ltd, Ports Logistitc, Stragegy
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