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Agricultural Insurance Supporting Of Agriculture Development In Xinjiang

Posted on:2013-05-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R HuangFull Text:PDF
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Since2004the Central Committee has issued the first document which guided“Issue concerning agriculture countryside farmers (three rural)” work for consecutive8years, although different theme each year, a clearly consistent is to consolidate andstrengthen the agricultural infrastructure, and constantly increasing support, stabilityand development food production, improve rural people’s livelihood, development ofrural economy.“Twelve Five-Year” on the promotion of agricultural and ruraleconomic development ideas and proposals put forward: the main line to stabilizinggrain production increase and maintain agricultural stability; strengthen agriculturalsupport and protection efforts.The support and benefit agriculture policy, agricultural development in Xinjianghas been greatly improved. Development of agriculture is the basis for economicdevelopment in Xinjiang, to maintain sustainable agricultural development requires aseries of financial policy support, including support for Xinjiang insurance plays avital role in agricultural development. As Xinjiang is a typical sand, arid and semi-aridregions, annual drought, floods, hail, freezing disasters and other natural disasters onagricultural production, farmers’ incomes adversely affected. In agricultural riskmanagement and prevention of hand-side, the government assistance, donations,insurance, agriculture, three risk management approach, the agricultural insurance riskis transferred, the best way to share losses, which need to agricultural insurancesupport. Firstly, starting from the analysis of Xinjiang Agricultural Development ofthe proposed agricultural insurance needs, and then analyzed Xinjiang Agriculturalinsurance support to agriculture, through economic compensation effects, productioneffects which reflect the effect of agricultural insurance support to agriculturaldevelopment. According to the analysis of agricultural insurance support agriculturaldevelopment problems and found insufficient at this stage, the final solution to thecorresponding countermeasures, agricultural insurance, better support agriculturaldevelopment in Xinjiang...
Keywords/Search Tags:Agricultural Risk, Agricultural, Agricultural Insurance, Support
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