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Design And Application Of Court Management System

Posted on:2014-02-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z YuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2248330395498856Subject:Computer technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The court information integrated management system based on the configuration of your computer hardware, and application software based, through modern means of communication network, modern technological means, adequate and reasonable use of, and ultimately to the People’s Court in the collection of information, production, transfer, release,computerid czelosing Sok work. Integrated management system of the Court to thecourt within the overall information resource sharing, improve work efficiency at the same time, to further ensure the work of the Court of fairness and justice in. Day-to-day work of our courts progressive realization of scientific and technological modernization can be made based on the administration of justice under the socialist legal system more scientific and convenient. Building science, the court system integrated management system can start from two perspectives:First, start with the point of view of day-to-day work in the courts, the court’s Integrated、Management System is the court all day-to-day work in the progressive realization of the information, networking and scientific information technology platform; Once again, from the perspective of information technology, integrated management system should be on the platform of the computer network, network traffic information computer applications technology further, which consist primarily of network data applications and management systems, communications network platform, remote control, video, audio, software, real-time communications. Integrated management system for day-to-day work in the court to provide professional, stable and accurate technical support.This paper first described the technical background of the Integrated Management System, including the design of information systems, management system software design, integrated management system model. Court management system used in our courts on the business processes of the trial court, for the defects and shortcomings in the traditional court management, court management system design and in-depth analysis. Integrated management of the Court system, including system operation interface design, the design of the system of internal LAN, all kinds of information stored in the system and search, as well as three network design.
Keywords/Search Tags:Court Management System, Information Network Technology Platform, Design and Application, Integrated Management System Model
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