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Design And Implementation Of A Product Promotion System

Posted on:2013-09-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:K WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2248330392957250Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the development of Internet, electronic commerce plays a more and moreimportant role in enterprise management. The electronic commerce is a kind ofcommercial mechanism which under the whole world economic integration backgroundproduces. It has the high efficiency and the low cost, receives the global various countriesgovernment and the enterprise widely takes. Electronic commerce employs the way on thebasis of the browser/server under the environment of Internet’s open network, realizeconsumers’ online shopping and online trade between the trade companies. Electroniccommerce on Internet includes Information service, trade and paying. The main contentincludes: The electron is chosen and exchange of trade, electronic trade evidence;Electronic market conditions advertisement; Paying by mails and settling account andonline service after sale. The main trade type is individual and man-to-man bet betweenenterprises and personal trade and enterprise. Electronic commerce is based on thesoftware platform provided by enterprises, and the usability and stability of the softwareplatform will effect the feeling of customers and merchants. It`s a important topic inelectronic commerce field to find a way to fit the requirement mentioned above.In order to improve the develop efficiency and software quality, use MVCFramework Based Development of A Electronic Commerce System as topic. Its researchbackground is a electronic commerce project. During the research of the electroniccommerce system`s design and development, we can find out the effect of ASP.NET MVCtechnology in electronic commerce project. Successful electronic commerce needoutstanding software platform, and a good software development technology will bringhigher efficiency and higher quality. ASP.NET MVC is just a technology of that kind.ASP.NET MVC is a kind of dynamic Web based technology on that.NET Framework isused in the platform develops technology. It works at very high operational efficiency,while its development period is also shorter; It is stronger to expand ability, step theplatform, expandability and reusable characteristic. It`s usually used in large-scalesoftware system, like electronic market and enterprise website.During the research of the electronic commerce system`s design and development, and the performance of the system, it is approved that ASP.NET MVC technology canimprove the develop efficiency and quality. After full test, the system has shown its strongstability, high efficiency and few defects. It meets all the demands, is a electroniccommerce system with high quality. A short develop period is also a main factor leadingto the success of the system.
Keywords/Search Tags:MVC Framework, Electronic Commerce, .NET, Product, Promotion
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