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Design And Realization Of The Video Teaching For Training Platform

Posted on:2013-05-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2248330392953239Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In recent years, the video teaching abroad is developing fast. Nowadays, thetechnology of asynchronous teaching based on Internet, two-way interactive videoteaching and one-way pre-recorded video teaching is widely used. However, in theimplementation of the video teaching, the interaction between students and teachers isnot strong enough in most of the teaching system., the key points of the video cannotshow obvious, so the efficiency of the students learning is not high enough.In order to improve the efficiency of students learning in the process of videoteaching, this topic aim to build the "video teaching aids training platform". On thebasis of this platform, students and teachers can share video files, compared theteaching video, and plot video content. In the process of the system building, byanalyzing the corporate training process, with information management systems andteaching video recording analysis capabilities, we improve the efficiency of corporatetraining. The paper first analyzes the current development of domestic andinternational video teaching training, combined with the actual needs of enterprises,then we do the demand analysis and demand modeling, according to the results ofneeds analysis, the system is divided into functional blocks of the image capture,video recording, FTP transfer, video contrast, bright spots trajectory depicting andsystem management, then complete the design of system functional, systemarchitecture and database., and finish the detail design of the system, make a detaileddescription of the various sub-functions of each module. Finally, this paper describesthe realization of the platform.
Keywords/Search Tags:Video, Teaching, Corporate Training Platform, Bright Spots Depict
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