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Development Of Civil Aviation E-Commerce Palteform Supporting Multi-Sites

Posted on:2014-01-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R Y ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2248330392460515Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Due to the high internationalization, the civil aviation industry needs thesupport from e-commerce platform which should have the adaptability ofvarious countries, different languages, cultures and custom. In the past, civilaviation companies usually sent some teams to investigate the local culture anddid the business there. Each agent developed a lot of e-commerce sites relativelyaccording to their capacity and local characteristics. Because of finance andcapacity problems, the developed e-commerce sites could not reach the currentlevel of e-commerce. Each of them had the low repeat use and could notexchange the information because they did not have the uniform plan, functionaland interfacial style. This paper is aimed to develop the multi-site supportedcivil aviation e-commerce platform which can meet the requirements for thecommercial needs, specific business style of each department and differentcultures, following domain engineering and object-oriented method.At first, this paper recognizes the relationship between the civil aviatione-commerce platform and exterior system, and makes the environment chart forthe platform. Then it adopts the use case diagram and flow chart to analyze thefunctional requirements of platform and makes definitions of manynon-functional requirements such as usability, robustness and security. In orderto support multi sites at the same time, this paper analyzes the commonness andvariability requirements of different sites thoroughly.Afterwards, the SSH technology framework is used to design three layerstructure of the civil aviation e-commerce platform including the portal layer, business logic layer and data access layer according to the requirements. Alsothe domain class diagram is designed according to the method of domainengineering. Because the e-ticket is the core class in platform, its state chart isdesigned to model its full life circle. We do security and performance designs,because the platform provides services for all business departments around theworld. We also provide the design strategy and ways for the diversityrequirements of different sites, because customers have the different culturebackground in different countries.Then, the example of “advance booking” which is the core use case ofplatform is used to explain the realization of platform in detail. The way ofcooperation among classes to realize the platform functions is explained throughthe class diagrams and sequence diagrams in this paper. The diversityrequirements are also met through the adoption of parameter configuration andinterfaces.Finally, unit test, function test, performance test and security test are passed.Currently, the platform has nine sites which are in trial operation in Hong Kong(traditional Chinese and English sites), Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, the UnitedKingdom, France, Canada and Australia. Four sites in the United States,Germany, Russia, Italy has been developed and wait for public use. The sites inMalaysia, the Philippines are planned and ready for implementation. For theearliest sites in South Korea, Japan, Hong Kong in this platform, its averagemonthly sales amounts in2012increases to2.8times of amounts in2011duringsame period. And its proportion of network sales amounts has doubled.
Keywords/Search Tags:Civil Aviation E-commerce Platform, Multi-site Support, DomainEngineering
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