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The Optimization Research And Application Of University Card System

Posted on:2013-07-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z C ZhengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2248330377956713Subject:Computer technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the rapid development of computer and network technology, IT is aprofound impact on the reform of the management. University card system as animportant application of smart card technology in domestic has been widely usedthe transformation of the card system also exists in the various colleges anduniversities.This paper is studied of the Zhejiang University City College Cardtransformation, the optimization of the system function and its applicationsoptimized implementations of this feature is to adhere to the advanced, practical,stability, security, the basis of economic and scalability, according to the actualsituation on the database optimization, line optimization of the network structure,which successfully resolved the two issues in which the consumption functionapplication: specify the consumer on the real-time charge to join as a partner feesand card I nature of the distinction, given a solution to the design process and thecorresponding algorithm model.The specific practice of problem-solving, optimization, algorithms, processesfor and supported by a variety of hardware devices into the combination of acomparative analysis, select the appropriate hardware, complete the card networktechnology program to improve function optimization and its applications.Optimization and its application has the advanced nature, safety, practicalityand scalability. The optimization of the system function successfully resolved thetechnical problems encountered by the school in which the actual construction ofthe results achieved by executing to the transformation of the university cardsystem.
Keywords/Search Tags:smart card, function optimization, database optimization, servicefee, the property of the balance of the card
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