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The Construction Of Flow Management System Of State-owned Assets

Posted on:2013-06-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z X LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2248330377953127Subject:Computer technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The purpose of this paper is to develop a set of professional management system.Firstly, it can improve the working efficiency of asset management organization, getrid of the heavy manual labor, and realize operation management with the whole lifecycle of asset management. At the same time, it can provide daily objectsmanagement, equipment management, property management, land management andfile management system. Thirdly, it focus on assets routing management, such asmaking asset purchasing plan, asset purchasing application (for examination andapproval), assets inventory, assets brought/borrow, maintenance, spare parts,consumption products, assets outbound, obsolescence, donation, etc. Finally, itprovides automatic alarm and relevant financial interface and other related content.The design of this paper has the following aspects of features. Firstly, thissoftware is a system engineering projects which needs to be designed and analyzed assystem engineering and can’t be designed independently to complete part of the jobbut pay no attention to the construction of the related content. Secondly, it has thebasis of application and its construction should be based on application. It is notscientific research project which pursues to be novel and prominent. It should firstlymeet the needs of the staff and then adopt relative mature technology to be spread byindustrial and commercial bureau. Thirdly, it has the theme of integration. Integrationis to integrate existing and independent system organically and put them in the unifiedframework to play their own role for a common goal, and realize the connection andcommunication, resource sharing and business synergy. Finally, it is designed to adaptto the continuous development of the system. This system fully considers theexpansibility and openness to make the system have the sustainable development andapplication on the basis of protection of existing resources.This topic research is to build an open platform, the platform in the technologyof great innovation, in the application of great advantage This paper wants to build an open platform which has great innovation fromtechnological aspect as well as great advantage from application aspect which shownas follows. Firstly, it provides lots of interfaces for secondary development. Secondly,in the early stage of design, the integration of the assets system and the other platformand business system is considered, such as providing fixed assets system, OA system,SMS platforms integration to realize information sharing anywhere of the city. Thirdly,it provides a flexible way of deployment:(1) centralized application——managementauthority all focused on assets managing department, each unit can use the function ofonline working, online inquiry, online audit, etc by web;(2)distributedapplication——each unit can independently use their assets management system,report data to the governing unit for collection and management by reporting dataregularly;(3)mixed application——asset management can be conducted bycombination of centralization and decentralization. Management department has themain purpose of guiding and supervising subordinate units by guiding and controllingmethod with the purpose of maximizing benefits.This paper uses the agile software development method in the softwareengineering field. In the process of system development, technological method basedon Microsoft products and.Net development is chose.The development of web applications, business logic service program, workflowtool and other auxiliary tool chooses Microsoft.Net technology which is based onWindows Server. Database chooses SQL Server2005/2008of Microsoft. The bottomdevelopment of workflow platform uses the windows workflow foundation as thetechnological platform.
Keywords/Search Tags:Management of state-run assets, Management System, SystemEngineering, Agile Development
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