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The Analysis And Research Of Television Media Gateway System

Posted on:2013-05-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2248330377458813Subject:Computer technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The development of television in the later stages of development from the analog era tothe digital age, the initial realization of the transition of television signals from analog todigital and information sharing within a certain range, and gradually production, broadcasting,a collection of media informationand other production and business systems. Due to technicallimitations of the system during the construction period, as well as by the system constructionperiod a number of factors, the prevalence of small scale, the number of single function, andrelatively independent of the characteristics of systems. Now, the interoperability between theincreasingly urgent demand brought about by the rapid development of the television industryproduction and production operations, and emerging new business system interoperability,information sharing, different systems become an urgent problem today.In response to this demand, the project with reference to domestic and foreign researchdata, business processes between business systems on a number of major television stations,the actual media resource exchange, the exchange of scene analysis to study the internaltelevision, the systeminterconnection resource exchange must comply with the media gatewayspecification to solve the business subsystem island phenomenon, and improve the efficiencyof program production.In the project use WebService wrote the foreign service, material collected signalcallback service, download service, Treasury program program, outbound service, serviceafter planting series single inquires, data archiving service service, etc. Each subsystemthrough standard XML data format to visit WebService, through the WebService internalexecution to obtain the required results, then completes the full stage of the interchangebetween subsystems.The same time, in terms of system security, related to the operation of the networksecurity, storage, security, data security, studio broadcast security, this paper by setting thehigh-security zone, take the md5encryption, data storage mirroring, multi-channelbackupappropriate means of security, improve the level of security throughout the network, toensure the safe operation of all aspects of this part of the focus on the external network accesssecurity design focus elaboration. In addition, This topic has focused on the design of news production and broadcastsystem with trunk-platform access, dual-bus way the ESB EMB exchange model, and theESB (Enterprise Service Bus) is mainly used to complete the information and meta-dataexchange between the various business systems in TaiwanEMB (Enterprise media Bus) isused to complete the exchange and transfer of media files between the various businesssystems. The practical application of the television, through the EMB and ESB close bonding,to work together, news production and broadcast network backbone platform in a looselycoupled, seamless linking, presenting as an organic whole.The data exchange processing technology, the most important part of the resourcesharing between the television stations within the system, but also the research focus of thisarticle. In this chapter, respectively, on the network transport layer protocol conversion, theFile Transfer Protocol conversion principle described, and describes the specific data contentprocessing method.Completion of this media gateway system of news production and broadcast systems andother business units within interconnected, working together to improve program productivity,saving the cost of manpower and resources to a great extent; the same time, through a seriesof securitythe level of protection to ensure network security and data security, complete theimplementation of the Heilongjiang TV media gateway system, and the premise of ensuringthe safety and stable operation of the network, and the rapid development of informationtechnology today, the real mining program, eds,broadcast, storage, management, full networkintegration.
Keywords/Search Tags:Media gateways, The interchange, Newa production and broadcastnetworks, Access Security
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