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On The Communication Mechanism And Strategy Of Information In Technological Hazards

Posted on:2013-07-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y H LiuFull Text:PDF
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From the perspective of science of technological hazards, research on STS andthe theories of communication studies, this thesis takes the people from Chengdu asresearch target and tests the influential factors in the information communication oftechnological hazards through the analysis of technological hazards informationcommunication process, significance and effect. It also discusses the solutions toaddress these influential factors and materializes the effective communication oftechnological hazards information by means of setting up rational mechanism andmodel of technological hazards information communication.On the basis of literature review, this thesis takes into account the impact ofcommunication process, surroundings, and effects on the technological hazardsinformation communication mechanism and puts forward the research hypothesis:1. Due to different information sources, the communication process can bedivided into two parts: conventional one and unconventional one.2. The second hypothesis: think over the mechanism and factors affectingcommunication in a comprehensive and macroscopic view, we’ll find thatcommunicators, techniques and audiences can have effects on communication.3. The third hypothesis: the specific influencing factors of the communication oftechnological hazards information in Chengdu areas include: political factors,economic conditions, marital status, population structure, level of education, mediumaccomplishment and scientific and technological accomplishment, etc. 4. The fourth hypothesis: these influencing factors are evidently related to eachother; the fifth hypothesis: the communication of technological hazards information isa systemic model, within which factors affect each other.5. Besides, the whole system is constrained by external surroundings such aspolitics, economy, culture and ideology, etc.The findings of research are as follows. First, due to different information sources,namely, information is found by different people, the communication process can bedivided into two parts, conventional process and unconventional process. Second, thecommunication is influenced and restrained by the quality of communicators,cognition of audiences, techniques and so on. Third, the influencing factors inChengdu areas mainly include political factors, economic conditions, marital status,population structure, level of education, medium accomplishment and scientific andtechnological accomplishment, etc. Fourth, these factors have different impacts andthey are linked to each other. Dealing with their linkage properly is good to makingpointed strategies to boost the development of the communication of technologicalhazards information. Fifth, the communication of technological hazards information issystemic. Not only factors inside (such as audiences themselves, audiences and media,audiences and communicators) affect each other, the whole communication system isalso restrained by external surroundings (such as politics, economy, culture andideology, etc.). For instance, because of unique political system, economic structureand national condition, the features of the communication of technological hazardsinformation in every country are different, but they are all restrained by the worldwidecommunication models of technological hazards information.
Keywords/Search Tags:Information of technological hazards, Communication mechanism, Strategy
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