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Music Appreciation Teaching System Based On B/s Structure Of The Design And Implementation

Posted on:2012-05-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X M PengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2248330374487161Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Owing to the monotonous contents, teaching style, and the unsmooth delivery of the class, traditional musical teaching class constraints the students to get to know more pieces of music and it also can not satisfy the demands of our students’appreciation to different musical styles. Comparing the traditional musical teaching model and methods, the multi-media teaching system is with a lot of advantages such as enriching content of musical teaching, reducing the burden of teachers, making the teaching process more interesting. Traditional teaching model is the "teacher teaches, student studies" of "teacher centering", its main purpose is to impart knowledge. Musical teaching system offers a brand new view for musical teaching reforming. Under the direction of modern teaching philosophy making full use of the favorable factors of Musical teaching system, to search for the improvement of developing student’s interest, adjusting the goal of teaching, expanding the teaching content, innovation of teaching methods and evaluation of teaching, set up a primary new model of Musical teaching system for teaching student in creating music. The model underlines the harmonized and unified comprehensive teaching of music creation, performance and appreciation, brings students a comprehensive and plentiful aesthetic experience, and improves his character of creational quality in the new field, to achieve the comprehensive healthy development of personal character. The usage of multi-media musical teaching system can not only improve the traditional musical teaching pattern and method, but also benefit for the application of construction teaching theory into the musical teaching. We can use the multi-media musical teaching system to teach the students the knowledge of every subject, and we also can use it to compose the music and do some researches of music.Originating from the infomationization of teaching system, this researching topic mainly studies the teaching system of musical cooperation pattern which based on WEB. It also takes advantage of PAP principles to strengthen knowledge, and applies the cooperation teaching pattern to the infomationization of educational system. Under the B/S system construction and multi-storey system framework, we create the environment and application to assist the current musical teaching activities.
Keywords/Search Tags:Musical teaching system, Network teaching, Musical teaching
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