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Research On The Subject Of Public Opinion Of Network Incident Of Genetically Modified Rice

Posted on:2013-01-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y YangFull Text:PDF
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The food security to a nation is like the life security to a person. In Nov.2009, Ministry of Agriculture approved two kinds of genetically modified rice. All circles in the community started extensive discussions on the genetically modified rice about its safe, commercial production and the food safe of a nation. As the "fourth media", the network media’s function in spreading information and presenting the public opinion become more and more important. The genetically modified rice is related to every one’s real interest. The public express their emotions; speak out their opinions on the internet media.This paper take the subject of network public opinion on genetically modified rice as a breakthrough point, analyzes "WHO""WHY" and "HOW" by using the types of subject of network public opinion, relationship, action motivation and action strategy.Firstly, the paper makes an analysis towards the types of subject of public opinion about genetically modified rice, as well as the relationship. This chapter focuses on the problem of "WHO". On the aspect of types of subject of public opinion about genetically modified rice, this paper would induce with two standards. It is the most direct way to separate it with status features. It is mainly divided into the public, network media, experts and social organizations. According to their functions in the development of public opinion, we can induce it as guider, pusher and participant. However, the components of the main body of net public opinion about genetically modified rice changes along with the development of subject of public opinion instead of remaining the same. In order to understand the subject of public opinion deeply, the second part of this chapter makes a comprehensive relationship analysis among the subject of public opinion.On the aspect of action motivation of subject of public opinion about genetically modified rice, this paper concludes in five demands:the demands of getting the information, understanding the object situation, the existence and development of net space, emotional catharsis and the specific social role. The main point of this aspect is about "why". The first four motivations come from the angel of the public; and the analysis about network media, experts and social organizations would mainly depend on the independent features.With the development of network public opinion, the subject of public opinion takes varies behavior strategies in different stages. Based on the comprehensive observation of network public opinion about genetically modified rice, this sixth chapter summarizes the action strategies of the subject of public opinion according to the status features. This chapter focuses on the problem of "HOW".
Keywords/Search Tags:genetically modified rice, network public opinion, subject of publicopinion, action motivation, action strategy
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