Characteristic Of Diode-pumped 2μm Passive Mode-locking Tm:YAIO3 Laser | Posted on:2013-08-29 | Degree:Master | Type:Thesis | Country:China | Candidate:Z S Qu | Full Text:PDF | GTID:2248330371469549 | Subject:Optics | Abstract/Summary: | PDF Full Text Request | 2μm light wave has widely application in laser radar,medicine and remote sensing dueto its strong absorption by water and safety for eyes.As a main working medium of solidlasers, Tm:YAlO3(Tm:YAP) is a promising laser material which possesses some advantagessuch as high doping concentration,high growth speed, sufficient conversion efficiency,andsignificant structural anisotropy. This dissertation mainly researched the laser characteristicsLD pumped Tm:YAP crystal. Main contents can be summarized as follows:1. We introduced the properties of Tm:YAP and SESAM, carbon nanotube, andgraphene are three kinds of the saturable absorbers.2. We demonstrated the first use of carbon nanotube as a saturable absorber in thepassively Q-switched of a diode pumped Tm:YAP operating at 2μm. As high as 507 mWaverage output power of Q-switched pulses laser was obtained with a pump power of 8.64 W .The maximum pulse energy, pulse width and pulse repetition frequency are 18.8μJ, 262 nsand 26.91 kHz respectively.3. We demonstrated use of carbon nanotube as a saturable absorber in the Q-switchedmode-locking (QML) of a diode pumped Tm:YAP operating at 2μm. The performance of adiode-pumped passively Q-switched mode-locked Tm:YAP laser with high repetition rate,formed with a folded cavity. As high as 780 mW average output power was produced in QMLlaser. The repetition rate of the mode-locked pulse inside the Q-switched envelope was244.1MHz.4. We demonstrated the first use of reflection-type single-walled carbon nanotube(RSWCNT) as a saturable absorber in the Q-switched mode-locking (QML) of a diodepumped Tm:YAP operating at 2μm. At the incident pump power of 10.33 W, as high as 432mW average output power was produced in QML laser. The repetition rate of the mode-locked pulse inside the Q-switched envelope was 158 MHz. We report the first demonstrationof using reflection-type graphene oxide as a saturable absorber in the Q-switch mode-locking(QML) of a diode pumped Tm:YAP operating at 2μm.While the incident pump power of9.52 W, The average output power in QML laser was 464 mW. The repetition rate of themode-locked pulse inside the Q-switched envelope was 156 MHz. 5. We report a diode-pumped passively continuous wave(cw) mode-locked Tm:YAPlaser with double-wall carbon nanotube (DWCNT) absorber . The output power is as high as375 mW. A stable pulse train with a repetition rate of 72.26 MHz is generated . Wedemonstrate the graphene oxide as a saturable absorber (SA) in the passive mode-locking of adiode pumped Tm3+doped laser. With a pump power of 8.64 W, the average output powerof 268 mW at the pulse repetition frequency (PRF) of 71.78 MHz was obtained. | Keywords/Search Tags: | All solid state laser, Tm, YAP, Q-switching, Q-switching mode-locking, mode-locking, SWCNT, DWCNT, graphene oxide | PDF Full Text Request | Related items |
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