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Design And Implementation Of LED Street Lighting Operation Maintenance Management System Based On WF

Posted on:2013-02-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z L HuangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2248330362963680Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
LED light equipments replace traditional street lights gradually and begin to bewidely used in city illumination because of the following characteristics, such as lowpower consumption, long working time, good lighting effects, increasingly lower cost.So it’s necessary to manage the LED lighting equipments which share the sameattributes with the operation and maintenance equipments. Besides, Microsoft releasesits workflow product named WF (Windows Workflow Foundation) which is a part ofthe.NET Framework. There are continuous improvements taken on WF’sfunctionality and performance. As an important workflow product, WF can be used toimplement business processes better.This thesis is based on the Digital LED Intelligence Lighting ManagementSystem (LEDMS) which is one of the scientific researches in Guangdong. And thisthesis discusses about the design and implementation of the LEDMS’s subsystemnamed LED Street Lighting Operation Maintenance Management System. Throughthe work orders,this system helps the engineers with the operation and maintenanceof the LED light equipments from the efficient incident handling and routinemaintenance.Specifically, this thesis includes the following contents: Firstly, this thesis makesthe requirement analysis according to incident management, service desk and problemmanagement in ITIL as well as the characteristics of LED lighting equipments, whichextends the application fields of ITIL. Secondly, this thesis studies the WF’s structure,custom activities, flow control, persistence, tracking, bookmarks and other techniquesof WF, which lays the technical foundation for the system’s realization. Thirdly, thisthesis analyzes WF based on the workflow reference model and provides the Worklist/Workitem Interface. And after the research about the present task assignmentmethods, a work list extension module based on WF is designed and implemented.This module has an interface to get and handle the user’s work items and a WFcustom activity to assign tasks in different ways. The user can use the activity andchoose the most suitable task assignment method for the business process to make theprocess more efficient. Finally, based on the study and research on WF, multi-tierLED Street Lighting Operation Maintenance Management System is implementedafter the outline design, detailed design, programming, testing and other softwareengineering and system analysis processes. This system provides maintenance process,inspection process, task management, problem management and user-rolemanagement to handle the incidents of LED lighting equipments and ensurehigh-quality of lighting service. This system helps the LED lighting equipmentsprovide high-quality lighting service and has been approved by the customer.
Keywords/Search Tags:WF, LED street lighting operation maintenance management, Incidentmanagement, Task assignment
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