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Research And Design On Knowledge Management System Under Collaborative Learning Environment

Posted on:2013-09-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:G S ZhuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2248330362470904Subject:Computer application technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the rapid development of computer technology and the popularity of mobile internet,Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) has been a research hotspot in the fields ofcomputer and education technology. Besides, the process of E-learning can not go without effectiveknowledge management. The transfer between explicit knoledge and tacit knowledge in the process ofknowledge management is a relentless research direction of most savants on this field. However, mostof knowledge is subjective and is related with its context. So it has something to do with the humanmind of course. Knowledge transfer is an important activity in the knowledge management process,especially, when the knowledge can flow efficiently from the knowdge provider to the knowledgelearner, such a process is a very successful knowledge management process. As such, it is necessary toenhance the conversation between knowledge learners and knowledge providers or among knowledgelearners themselves and build knowledge learning platforms for improving knowledge sharing toimplement a knowledge management system (KMS). As far as this research point is concerned, thecontent of this thesis are organisized as follows:Firstly, under the background of further research on knowledge management and CSCL, anE-learning process oriented knowledge management mechanism is put forward. After that, a PDCAbased E-learning process all life-cycle knowledge management model is described. And then, a KMSarchitechture under collaborative learning environment is presented.Secondly, basing on the afore-mentioned KMS architecture, the corresponding overall design ofKMS from message passing is presented and several key processes are described. Then this thesisamply designs and analyzes the design philosophy of KMS in details via programming technologyand some criticical algrotithms.At last, through two typical cases, the merging architeture of single task E-learning and konwledgemanagement and that of multiple tasks E-learning and knowledge management are elaboratedalternatively.
Keywords/Search Tags:Knowledge management, knowledge management system, collaborative learning, knowledge transfer
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