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Mongolia Foreign Students Education Related Issues On China Elementary School

Posted on:2013-10-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J JingFull Text:PDF
GTID:2247330395466507Subject:Principles of Education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the world have taken great importance on the internationaleducation and the foreign student’s education, the education for Chineseeducation has getting more and more matured. Especially in some coastalcities, the quality of our foreign education could comparable with someforeign countries. Also, there is no doubt that we actually have some gapsbetween minority regions and the coastal cities on socio-economicdevelopment, but we has a geographical advantage with Mongolia-nowadays Inner Mongolia has become more and more closeness withMongolia for its economic trade, educational culture and such area. Forthe result of this phenomenon, it has attracted more and more Mongoliastudents come to China for studying. This essay aims at the research ofrelated issues for the forign students on their age of primary schooleducation.In this essay, qurstionnaire and interview survey are mainly used,studying the issues which ralated to Chinese education for Mongoliastudents, it also analysis the students some basic information, learningand teacher’s teaching current situation in China, as well as the commonand difference of edaction between China and Mongolia, Based on the answers of these questions, I have put forward some recommendationsrelated to the education of primary foreign Mongolia students.In this study, we finish the questionnaire and interview survy in theNational Experimental School in Hohhot, Inner Mongolia,Hohhot,Mongolia Schollo Erenhot Mongolia Schools. Acoording to the survey, Ihave found the study situation for the foreign students. At the same time,I have make the recommendations based on the result of investmentsurvey by, education workers, which is from three levels-schoolleadership level, the teachers level the the advise for foreign students.
Keywords/Search Tags:Mongolia, elementary foreign students, education
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