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Study On Ecological Problems Of Moral Education In Colleges And Universities

Posted on:2013-08-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X L GaiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2247330395454237Subject:Marxist theory and ideological and political education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This article is based on the poor status quo of the current university moral education. Ipoint out the problems that exist in university moral education. At the same time, I analyzethe several reasons for these problems and I put forward to build a harmonious ecologicalMoral Education that is an effective way to solve these problems and to improve theeffectiveness of moral education.This article is divided into four parts:In the first part, I described the theory of moral ecology. First, I define the concept ofmoral education, combing the development of ecology and its relationship with education.Secondly, I give a definition of moral education ecology and I elaborate on its constituentelements and their characteristics. Finally, I analyzed the significance of university moraleducation ecology to the Moral ecological effectives.In the second part, the article pointed out the ecological problems of moral education:on the one hand, it exists the neglect of moral education for faculty, poor moral educationof college students and the imbalance of moral media within the ecosystem in the moraleducation; on the other hand, there are also moral education system and its external socialand cultural gap, and it cut away from the social environment. University moral educationfragment from the natural environment and it has broken with the secondary school moral andso on.In the third section, I analyze the reasons for ecological problems of moral educationfrom three aspects. First, moral education is be used as a tool and a form, weakening themoral role of teachers, ignoring the significance of individual lives, affecting theeffectiveness of moral education; the second, moral education has break away the real life,it is short of faith in education; Third, moral education is separated from the social ecology,moral education can not fit in under the impact of cultural diversity and it ignores thesocial-ecological integrity and connectivity.The fourth section presents to build a harmonious ecosystem from both the coordinationof internal factors and optimization of external environment. We should pay attention to themoral teaching staff within the system, to enhance the quality of education and to the studentbody. We should pay attention to build eco-teacher-student relationship and to furthercomplement the moral medium; We will not only optimize the cultural ecology and social ecology, but also strengthen the students awareness of the natural ecology in the external topromote harmonious development between man and nature.
Keywords/Search Tags:University, Moral Ecology, Research
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