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Reverse Psychology Research In High School Chinese Teaching

Posted on:2013-02-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F J CuiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2247330377456979Subject:Subject teaching
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As high school students self awareness awakening,the requirements of riching emotional experience and strengthening the self identity have becoming more and more urgent.Chinese curriculum as the main measure of the humanistic education and the emotional education,plays a crucial role in high school students getting the correct self and riching emotions.But in is difficult to achieve the ideal effect for emotional and self education of high school students.Among them,the rebellious attitude of high school students in chinese teaching is one of the resistance of chinese humanities education and emotional education. So how to correctly understand the causes of the psychological resistance of high school students in the chinese teaching,to take positive effective measures to prevent and eliminate this psychological phenomenon and improve the effect of teaching chinese language,is the first topic the chinese education workers need to address.In this paper,through scaning the refer to many researchers’ different definition about the psychological resistance,combining human nature of chinese course with the unique psychological development features of the high school students,the rebellious attitude of the high school students in chinese teaching is defined.This concept points out the balance relationship of education object and related relative education factors.Around the influence factors of the rebellious attitude existing in the chinese teaching of high school students,I’m under the teacher’s guidance,according to previous related material of the reverse psychology research and teachers’opinions,design a questionnaire of learning the language psychology.The results show that,the generation of rebellious attitude have three reasons during the high school students in chinese teaching,high school students’ factors,and the negative factors of social environment,the chinese education factors is the major factor among them,so I put forward relevant strategies on solving them.The paper includes five parts,they are concept definition, investigation analysis,cause analysis,the countermeasures,conclusions and looking,they provide quality and quantity basis for the research of rebellious attitude in chinese teaching.Now they are described respectively as fllows:Chapter1Introduction:According to the different research of reverse psychology. I definit rebellious attitude as fllows:Under certain conditions,because of the discrepant of education objects’ needs and educators’wishes and the education environment’s objective requirements,education objects produce psychological activities with strong inconsistent feelings.It is showed students’ doubt,cold and rejection to educators,teaching form,teaching method and teaching content in the chinese teaching.Chapter2Survey analysis:The results showed that high school students’ rebellious attitude existing in the chinese teaching is mainly showed doubt,cold and rejection to teachers of chinese language,chinese teaching form and method,and language teaching material.Chapter3Cause analysis:According to the associated reasons of psychological resistance the high school students having in the teaching of chinese,I deeply analyz respectively from chinese education factors,the high school students themselves and the social environment negative factors.Among them,the chinese education factors in chinese teaching is the main reason for the rebellious attitude.Chapter4The countermeasures:According to the analysis of the causes why high school students have rebellious attitude in chinese teaching,I put forward the following measures:Fist,to improve the quality of chinese teachers to establish a high level of teacher team;Second,to reform the forms and methods in chinese teaching to strengthen the experiential autonomy in language teaching process;Third,to optimize the language teaching material structure to enhance the value of chinese language education;Fourth, to strengthen the emotional education of high school students to perfect the psychological construction of high school students;Fifth,to strengthen social environment construction of language education to create a good social environment.Chapter5Research conclusion and prospect:The rebellious attitudehigh school students having in chinese teaching,is mainly due to the problems of language education factors. So the key to eliminate the rebellious attitudehigh of students in chinese learning is to solve the problem of hinese education factors effectively.It is the most important thing in chinese language teaching whether the language teacher in teaching process can correctly fully exert its leading role,pay attention to students’ subject status and meet the students’ emotional experience and self development needs.To completely solve the rebellious attitudethe of high school students in chinese teaching,it is obviously to need more comprehensive research scheme and further practice,but the way to college is no end,as long as we practice and explore repeatedly,chinese education theory will constantly improve,students will also all-round development.
Keywords/Search Tags:high school students, chinese teaching, rebellious psychology
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