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On Marx’s Critique Of Stimer’s Philosophy

Posted on:2013-04-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L M ZhengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2246330377451599Subject:Marxist philosophy
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Stirner as the Young Hegelians molecule, is on behalf of the petty-bourgeois iders, hisphilosophical masterpiece is “The only one and its property”. Stirner as the Young Hegel School free ofabsolutism, in “The only one and it’s property” to adhere to the individual self absolute freedom andpower, the fictional history of “people”, shaped “The only one” by this episode of “self-consistentegoist”, nihilist and anarchist in one of the “I”, and critique the philosophy of Feurbach, reflecting thephilosophy of Stirner’s egoism, nihilism and anarchism of the nature. Stirner criticizing Feuerbach’sphilosophy deeply touched Marx to Feuerbach’s philosophy reflection. On reflection, Marx recognizedthat the philosophy of Feuerbach and Stirner are in fact adhere to the humanism philosophy of theidealist conception of history, and give a thorough critiqued. Marx on Stirner criticism of philosophy isin “German Ideology” of “St.Max” chapter unfolded, and Stirner philosophy characterized as smallbourgeois philosophy. Therefore, this thesis “on the theory of Marx on Stirner critique of philosophy”as the theme, launched the Marx critique of Stirner philosophical issues research and analysis.Following the Feuerbach, Stirner, Marx thought logic axis, in Feuerbach, Stirner, Marx the threemutual relationship is found in: Stirner’s criticism of Feuerbach’s philosophy is profound, Stirnercriticizing Feuerbach’s philosophy tounded Marx, Stirner’s philosophy as the petty bourgeoisiephilosophy has its historical limitations. It is the three core issues and aspects of the Marx’s criticism toStirner’s philosophy of the problem domain. In the problem domain of broke Marx’s critique ofStirner’s philosophy to fog, began the study and analysis of Marx in “German Ideology” of “St.Max”chapter critique of Stirner’s philosophy problem. Of course, Marx’s critique of Stirner’s philosophy inthe relations between thinking and existence of this premise domain unfolding criticism. In the criticalpremise domain, Marx is a social existence determines social consciousness of the basic principles ofhistorical materialism as its critique of Stirner’s philosophy premise. Therefore, Marx critique Stirner ofphilosophy, either theoretically or practically speaking, all has the vital significance, that is the Marxcritique of Stirner’s philosophy of materialist conception of history and realistic significance.
Keywords/Search Tags:Marx, Stirner, theonlyone, “GermanIdeology”
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