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The Corruption Of Chief Administrators And Its Preventive Measures

Posted on:2013-02-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:K PengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2246330374488656Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
According to the statistics of corruption cases in the past several years, as the chief of the administration of a district or department, the chief administrators have become high-risk groups of corruption crime. Consequently, the key way to prevent chief administrators’corruption is to regulate their use of power. However, no effective and standard prevention mechanism against corruption has formed yet, especially for the power abuse of the chief administrators. Hence, the research on the corruption prevention mechanism against this group will be of great practical importance and theoretical significance.This paper argues that the nature of corruption of the chief administrators lies in "Abusing power for personal gains", including administrative decision-making corruption, administrative approval corruption, administrative discretion corruption, Administrative expenses corruption, and administrative monopoly corruption. In the recent years, The corruption of chief administrators presents new characteristics, such as higher official level, mild corruption. The chief administrators’ corruption leads to lots of negative effects:impeding the economic development, destroying the image of the government, and polluting the moral atmosphere. The reason why chief administrators become corrupt is complicated, but we can summarize it in four aspects:loss of control in administrative power, alienation of the ideology and culture, institutional system defects, and loss of balance in public supervision. While choosing our solution to prevent the corruption of chief administrators, we can draw advanced experience from countries and regions such as Singapore, Hong Kong, and Macau, for they are experienced in the field of preventing corruption and they are part of the Chinese Culture Circle. From the successful example of them, we should put more emphasis on improving system control, strengthening supervision, attaching great importance to moral education and establishing the concept of rule of law.
Keywords/Search Tags:chief administrators, corruption, measurements of preventingchief administrators’corruption
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